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Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Sha'b/Sh’ab/Shi'b/Sh’ib Abi Talib (شعبِ ابی طالب)

Published on: 04-Feb-2025

Sha’b means ‘Valley’ so Sha'b Abi Talib means the Valley of Abu Talib which belonged to him. When Quraish decided to martyr the Holy Prophet sym-9 so Abu Talib asked his clan to take Muhammad sym-9 in his Sha’b for his protection. Quraysh wrote Al-Saheefa Al-Muqata'a (الصحیفۃ المقاطعۃ) i.e., an edict regarding Banu Hashim which stated that no Qurayshi Tribesmen/Women will marry with Banu Hashim and nobody will do trade with them nor meet with them.

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