Encyclopedia of Muhammad


Seerat Research Center is currently working on ‘Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ’ project which is an extensive work on different features of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ life, personality, character, teaching, message and mission, in detail. It is estimated initially that Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ will consist of around 100+ volumes. Each volume will contain 900 to 1200 pages. This Encyclopedia will cover all important philosophical, scientific, social, economic, historical, political, legal, cultural, theological as well as practical aspects of the teachings and practices of the Last Messenger of Allah. This will provide a source of reference for the future generations of researchers as well as for the learners and investigators of Islam from all around the globe. Its physical copy as well as online version will be available in all important libraries, research institutes, universities and think tanks. It will be available in all important languages of the world. Beside this, other important research works will be published as well as short documentaries and lectures will be recorded and published online regarding Seerat of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ via different mediums of modern-day communication.

The work will be published in English and Urdu initially, and later on in other major international languages to be accessible to all. Consequently, every researcher, thinker, philosopher, college and university student, domestic women and all ordinary and special people will be able to benefit from it. On its completion, it will be the most well researched and comprehensive work on Seerat-un-Nabi ﷺ.

The cardinal aim to compile this encyclopedia is to highlight the finality, universality, perfection and grandeur of the personality of Holy Prophet ﷺ so that the grandness of his prophethood could leave lasting message for the followers of all religions across the globe. This encyclopedia will also increase people’s understanding of the Seerah and serve as a useful resource for future researchers, community leaders, politicians, lecturers, teachers, parents, policy makers etc.