Encyclopedia of Muhammad


We will be straightforward: Today, we ask you to defend the independence of Seerat Research Center, which is working on the Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ. We are a non-profit organization which relies on donations to stay, afloat and thrive. Most of our readers only benefit and don’t give, they simply look at the other way. If everyone who benefits from Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ gives just a little, we could keep Seerat Research Center thriving till the day of Judgement. (in sha Allah)

If Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ is useful to you, please consider contributing for this noble cause by donating 20$, 50$, 100 $, 1000$ or whatever you can in any currency to protect and sustain Encyclopedia of Muhammad ﷺ

Why Should We Support Encyclopedia Of Muhammad Project?

Encyclopedia of Muhammad is a Grand Research Based Project which is composed of 100+ volumes. This project is not only beneficial for the Muslim Ummah, but for all of humankind.


  1. For the First Time in Islamic history, the details regarding every aspect of the Holy Prophet’s Life and Teachings are being introduced to the World in the form of an International Standard of Encyclopedic Writing, covering all aspects of His Seerat in a Research Based Effective, Logical and Organized Manner.
  2. All the Questions, Confusions, False Allegations and False Accusations about the Holy Prophet are answered in this Encyclopedia on the Logical and Historical Grounds through a thorough Research and Analysis.
  3. This Encyclopedia provides scholarly proofs of Truthfulness and Universality of Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad and will inform the World about the Practicality of his Teachings, Applicability of his Methods and Relevance of his Work in the 21st Century and Beyond.
  4. This Encyclopedia will become a Primary Reference for all Researchers (Muslims and Non-Muslims alike) across the globe after its completion, opening new avenues for those who wish to go deeper in the Teachings of the Prophet’s Life, and will Close the Doors of Confusion and Misunderstandings for the non-Muslims.
  5. This Encyclopedia will incorporate all aspects of one’s domestic and professional life in the most practical and realistic mode in the light of Seerat-un-Nabi .
  6. This Encyclopedia will not just help in reducing Islamophobia, but also help in curbing blasphemies against Prophet Muhammad , and Hatred and Conspiracies against the Muslims across the globe.
  7. This Project will provide Guidelines to the people of the Scientific, Economic, Social, Judicial, Military and Political Think Tanks etc., along with Educationists, University Professors, Philosophers, Media Personals etc.
  8. This Encyclopedia will be a main source for all those researchers who are keen to pursue the field of Prophet Muhammad’s life in their M. Phil, Ph.D. or Post-Doctoral Thesis.


  1. It is a duty of every Muslim to protect, preserve and defend the personality, teachings, and honor of Prophet Muhammad according to his/her capability. Hence, they should support this project Financially, academically, intellectually or in any way possible.
  2. Another Obligation upon Every Muslim is to either Convey the Teachings and Message of the Holy Prophet to the World or at the very least, by Serving those who have dedicated their lives in Preaching and Delivering His message to the World through any possible means, like this ongoing project of Encyclopedia of Muhammad .
  3. A major part of the developed world is contributing and helping those Think Tanks and organizations which are engaged in harming Muslims, Islam and the Personality of Prophet Muhammad . Thus, as Muslims, it our primary duty to help Seerat Research Center Financially and intellectually, in encountering the efforts of these evil forces.
  4. This project provides the primary and the most essential document for community development and establishing peace among the various members/groups of the society. Thus, major Companies and Institutes who wish to Support and Provide Funds to the projects of Community Developments should support this grand cause, to promote peace and love among the people.


  1. Those who support this noble and sacred mission in any way will be the recipients of internal peace and tranquility – a thing most sought after, but cannot be attained, even with all the material resources.
  2. Allah Almighty Guarantees success in this world and the hereafter to the people who try to support this sacred mission financially, academically or even in its dissemination. These people will be included in those lucky ones whose resources are used in presenting comprehensive details of Prophet Muhammad’s Personality, Life, Teachings, Message and Mission to around 8 billion people of the globe. Insha Allah (If Allah Wills) The supporters of this sacred mission will be able to receive the Holy Prophet’s Intercession on the Day of Judgement.