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Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Seerah/Sirah/Seerat (سیرۃ/سیرت)

Published on: 12-Sep-2022

Literally, the word Seerat refers to a ‘way’ or a ‘path’ and its plural is known as Siyar. According to Daira Ma’arif Islamia, its viable definition is that it refers to the biography of the Holy Prophet sym-9. Initially, however, its definition was restricted to Ghazwat (Battles fought by the Messenger of Allah sym-9) and Siraya (Expeditions sent by the Holy Prophet sym-9). Many Muhaditheen (Scholars of Hadith) considered Maghazi and Siyar to be the same thing, as in the initial years, the meaning of Seerat was restricted to Ghazwat only. This is why the initial books of Seerat are also known as Maghazi ibn Ishaq or Seerat ibn Ishaq This shows that researchers and Seerah Biographers of later eras have expanded the meaning of Seerah, and now it refers to the Biography of Prophet Muhammad sym-9, from his blessed birth until he departed from this world.

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