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Literally, the word is translated as blood. However, in the context of pilgrimage, it refers to the penalty which a muhrim (the individual wearing the Ihram for hajj or umra) must pay if he/she makes a mistake intentionally/unintentionally, or as a sign of gratitude. When the word ‘dum’ is used generally, it refers to the sacrifice of a goat/sheep. However, when it is used for a person who has committed intercourse after wuquf-e-Arafah (during hajj) or has performed tawaf in an impure condition (janabat in case of male/female) or is menstruating (female only), then, the individual has to sacrifice a cow or a camel. All these sacrifices need to be done within the boundaries of Makkah. If the mistake (complete list is mentioned in Janayat) is not of the nature due to which a goat/sheep needs to be sacrificed, then a fidya (charity) can be given.