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Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Ummul Mo'mineen Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah sym-7

Published on: 15-Sep-2022
Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah
Birth:595 C.EDemise:625 C.E.Age:30 yearsFather:Al-Harith ibn AbdullahMother:Hind bint ʿAwf (Khawla)Spouses:Tufail bin Al-HarithUbaydah رضى الله عنهProphet Muhammad ﷺTitle:Umm-ul-MomineenUmm-ul-MasakeenTribe:Banu HilalResting Place:Jannat-ul-Baqee

(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)

Zaynab Bint Khuzaymah (زینب بنت خزیمۃ)sym-7 was one of “The Mothers of the Faithful”, and one of those Muslim women who were known for generosity and mercifulness. 1 Due to her charitable acts, she was given the title of ‘Umm Al-Masakeen’ (امّ المساکین) or ‘Mother of the Needy’. 2 She was distinguished from the other “Mothers of the Faithful” due to her compassion, patience, benevolence and struggle for the sake of Allah.


She was Zaynab bint Khuzaymah ibn Al-Harith ibn Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Abd Manaf ibn Hilal ibn Sa’sa’ah ibn Muawiyah ibn Hawazin. 3 Her mother was Hind bint Awf ibn Al-Harith. Her half-sister, Maymunah bint Al-Harithsym-7, 4 also had the honor of becoming a mother of the faithful after the demise of Zaynab sym-7. Maymunah sym-7 was the last woman Prophet Muhammad sym-9 married.

Life before Marriage with the Holy Prophet sym-9

Initially, she was married to Tufail bin Al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib, who divorced her. 5 Then, she married Tufail’s brother Ubaydah sym-8 who was martyred in the battle of Badr. 6

Marriage with Prophet Muhammad sym-9

After the martyrdom of her husband, Prophet Muhammad sym-9 proposed to her on humanitarian grounds, 7 and made an example in front of his companions, to take care of the widows whose husbands were martyred in the way of Allah. 8 Hence, the Holy Prophet sym-9 married Zaynab bint Khuzaymah sym-7 in the month of Ramadan, 9 after his marriage with Hafsa bint Umarsym-710 and gave her a dowry of 400 Dirhams. 11


After her marriage, Zaynab bint Khuzaymah sym-7spent most of her time feeding the poor and destitute people. 12 She only spent eight months in the Holy Prophet’ssym-9 house and passed away in Rabi Al-Thani during the fourth year of the Hijrah, 13 at the age of around 30. 14 No other mother of the faithful died during the life of Holy Prophet sym-9 after her. 15 Prophet Muhammad sym-9 led her funeral prayer and laid her to rest in Jannat Al-Baqee. 16

  • 1  Abu Al-Fadl Ahmed bin Ali Al-Asqalani (1415 A.H.), Al-Isaba fi Tamyeez Al-Sahaba, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 157.
  • 2  Izz Al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Shaibani ibn Athir (2003), Usud Al-Ghaba Fi Ma’rifat Al-Sahaba, Maktaba Al-Tawfiqiya, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 7, Pg. 122.
  • 3  Ahmed ibn Yahya ibn Jabir ibn Dawood Al-Baladhuri (1996), Jumal Min Ansab Al-Ashraf, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 429.
  • 4  Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Ahmed Al-Halabi (1427 A.H.), Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 3, Pg. 446.
  • 5  Abul Fida Ismael ibn Kathir Al-Damishqi (1976), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Kathir, Dar Al-Marifat lil Taba’at wal-Nashr wal-Tawzi, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 3, Pg. 173.
  • 6  Muhammad ibn Saad Al-Basri (1990), Tabqat Al-Kubra, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 91.
  • 7  Akram Zia Al-Umri (1994), Al-Seerah Al-Nabawiyah Al-Sahiha, Maktaba Al-Uloom Al-Hikam, Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia, Vol. 2, Pg. 650.
  • 8  Muhammad Al-Tayyab Al-Najjar (N.D.), Al-Qol Al-Mubeen fi Seerat Syed Al-Mursaleen, Dar Al-Nadwa Al-Jadeeda, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 406.
  • 9  Muhammad ibn Saad Al-Basri (1990), Tabqat Al-Kubra, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 91.
  • 10  Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Salihi Al-Shami (1993), Subul Al-Huda wal-Rashad fe Seerat Khair Al-Abad, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 11, Pg. 205.
  • 11  Abd Al-Rahman ibn Abdullah Al-Suhaili (2000), Al-Raudh Al-Unf fe-Sharha Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah, Dar Al-Ihya Al-Turath Al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 7, Pg. 566.
  • 12  Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Salihi Al-Shami (1993), Subul Al-Huda wal-Rashad fe Seerat Khair Al-Abad, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 11, Pg. 205.
  • 13  Abu Al-Fadl Ahmed bin Ali Al-Asqalani (1415 A.H.), Al-Isaba fi Tamyeez Al-Sahaba, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 157.
  • 14  Muhammad ibn Saad Al-Basri (1990), Tabqat Al-Kubra, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 92.
  • 15  Ahmed Ghalosh (2004), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah wa Al-Da'wa fi Ahd Al-Madani, Moassasatu Al-Risala, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 127.
  • 16  Ahmed ibn Yahya ibn Jabir ibn Dawood Al-Baladhuri (1996), Jumal Min Ansab Al-Ashraf, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 429.

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