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(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)
After his trip to Taif, and meeting with the Jinns, the Holy Prophet wanted to enter Makkah, but he found that his people were even more determined to oppose him and wanted him to abandon his religion. Only a few weak people who believed in him, were eager to meet him. 1 Zayd ibn Harith
expressed his concern over the attitude of the Makkans and asked Prophet Muhammad
that how would he enter Makkah when the Quraysh had banished him. Prophet Muhammad
replied that Allah was his Helper and He would make an easier way in these difficult times. Then he retired to the cave of Hira. 2 It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah met a person from Khuza`ah tribe of Makkah 3 who passed by that place. Prophet Muhammad
asked him to deliver a message to Al-Akhnas ibn Shariq. He asked the man to tell Akhnas that Muhammad
asked him for his protection so that he could deliver the message of Allah Almighty. The man went to Akhnas and conveyed him the message. Al-Akhnas refused to offer protection against the confederates. The man went back to Prophet Muhammad
and gave him Akhnas’s reply. Prophet Muhammad
then asked him if he would go back again and meet Suhayl ibn 'Amr and tell him that Muhammad
asked him for his protection so that he could deliver the message of Allah. The man went to Suhayl and delivered the message of Holy Prophet
, but Suhayl refused to offer him protection, stating that tribe of Banu `Amir ibn Lu'ayy did not give protection against the tribe of Banu Ka’b. The man went back to the Holy Prophet
and delivered him this reply. 4
Despite such setbacks, Prophet Muhammad asked the person from Khuza`ah tribe to go again and meet Mut`im ibn 'Adi and ask him to offer protection to Prophet Muhammad
. Mut`im ibn 'Adi agreed to offer him protection and called his sons and other associates. Then, he asked them to put on their arms and take position near the pillars of the Ka`'bah. Then, he declared in front of the Makkans that he had promised protection to Prophet Muhammad
. Thereupon the Apostle of Allah
, entered Makkah with Zayd ibn Harith
and approached the Ka'`bah. The Messenger of Allah
, went to Hijr-e-Aswad (Black stone), kissed it and offered two rak'ahs of prayer and returned to his dwelling while Mut`im ibn `Adi and his sons shielded him. 5