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The thorough study of ancient civilizations reveals the fact that despite materialistic achievements in various fields, these major civilizations, especially the Roman and Greek had established a belief system according to their desires and requirements. These people had forged their own concepts of deities and had divided them into different categories as per the needs of the individual, family, towns and the state. Some of those civilizations had direct access to divine revelation but due to their stubbornness or ignorance, they were unable to benefit from it.
Due to the existence of different civilizations at different time periods and their geographical locations, the concept of gods varied, but to a certain extent. The names of the gods in Egypt varied from the gods in Greece, but their described functions were almost the same. These gods and deities were anthropomorphized and were given positive as well as negative traits. These traits were derived from the mythologies created by the inhabitants who themselves had no sense of divine guidance. These gods were believed to have a family where the god had wives, children, brothers and sisters, who were always fighting for power. After the anthropomorphizing, the human desire to see their gods stimulated them to construct their physical shapes in the form of statues which were made from gold, silver, wood or mud, but had no form of power or spirituality. Instead they were helpless and were dependent on their worshippers to clean them.
People believed that their relation with their gods was based on the concept of exchange. If they prayed or did something good, they believed that the gods were obliged to reward them; otherwise, they should not be worshipped. In this regard people had a long array of gods to choose their gods and deities as per their inclinations. They used to have faith that their each and every desire would be satisfied by performing whimsical ceremonies in front of the self-made specialized god or deity of a particular segment. That is why, they had separate gods and goddesses of love, war, food etc.
Hence, the followers of these people were helpless and were wandering astray, away from their real Creator. Although some Messengers of God did reach them, but the persecution and continuous alteration and deception from the powerful people did not let people know the ultimate reality. In such a depressing scenario, Prophet Muhammad was sent to mend the broken link between humankind and its True Creator. The belief system brought by him was divine as it was based upon revelation from the Creator. This belief system is known as Islam which is simple, logical, practical, and well-organized and answers all the questions regarding theology, ontology, cosmology, epistemology etc.
All the Messengers of God believed and preached Islam. The core ideology of this religion remained the same that is why all the Messengers claimed to be Muslims 12345 and not Christians, Jews, Maoists, or Legalists etc. The religion revealed on Prophet Muhammad was also the same, but it was its final and perfect form.
The religious system of Islam was a blessing for humanity since it solved their basic and ultimate problems of life. People who were previously confused about the concept of God like the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and religious experts of various civilizations, had derived their own concepts and attributes to God and some even believed in multiplication which lead to polytheism. Some even went a step further and tried to anthropomorphize it. Still they were unable to find any sort of clarity as it did not ease their theological difficulties. Islam provided direct and clear answers regarding God, life, the universe and the hereafter, and presented a complete solution and guidance about all this.
When asked about Islam, the Holy Prophet said: to testify that there is no God except Allah and Prophet Muhammad
is his messenger(shahadah). The other basic tenets of faith were mentioned as:
To believe in Allah, His Angles, His books, His messengers, in the Last Day (Day of Judgment), the Divine Decree (good or bad) and in the Life after Death. 6
In order to become a Muslim, a person needs to make a declaration with his tongue and accept it in his heart. 7 The declaration is made with the following words:
اشهدان لااله الاللّٰه واشهد ان محمد الرسول اللّٰه. 8
I testify that there is no God except Allah and I testify that Prophet Muhammadis his Messenger.
If a person is not well-versed in Arabic then, declaring and accepting the transcribed meaning in the words mentioned above also makes the person a Muslim. 9 This declaration consists of two parts: (1) La Ilaha Illal Lah, (2) Muhammadur Rasullah.
The first part of the declaration of faith is: La Ilaha Illal Lah (There is no God except Allah) clearly states that the person needs to cleanse his heart from the concept of all other prior gods or objects of worship. Then, he should let the belief that Allah Almighty is his God breached into his heart and soul. This part is also known as the concept of Tawhid (monotheism). If someone associates any being with Allah, then he commits a shirk and does not remain a Muslim.
This simple concept annihilated the foundations of the mythological concepts forged by other people who had associated other deities with God in the form of spouses, children and siblings etc. If there had been more than one god, then each would have wanted their supremacy and system in place. This would have led to total chaos and the world would have been destroyed. This leads us to have firm and also logically belief that there is only one Supreme Being who created this world, it is in His control. All the messengers of Allah also gave the same message of monotheism. All of these messages were compiled, condensed and presented to us as Islam by Prophet Muhammad . As the Holy Quran states:
لَوْ كَانَ فِيهِمَا آلِهَةٌ إِلَّا اللَّهُ لَفَسَدَتَا ۚ فَسُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ 2210
If other than Allah, there were Gods (which is not possible), in the heavens and the earth, they would be destroyed; therefore, purity is to Allah, Owner of the Throne, from the matters they fabricate.
This verse states that no institution, no household, no planet, no galaxy and no universe which contains billions of stars can function smoothly if it has two masters. Secondly, all the systems in the universe function to a universal law. It could not work, even for a second, if there had been no proper proportion, balance, harmony and coordination between the different powers and countless things. This is a clear proof that there is a universal and all-powerful law and system which binds and forces these powers and things to cooperate and coordinate between themselves with a perfect proportion and harmony and this could not have happened if there had been distinct independent rulers. The existence of such a system is itself a clear proof that there must be One All Powerful Manager and Administrator governing and ruling the entire universe. 11
The second part Muhammadur Rasullah (Prophet Muhammad is
Belief in angels is one of the cardinal articles of a Muslims' faith and is second in importance after the belief in God. These creatures are made out of Nur (light) 12 and are not the daughters of God nor are they an object of worship, as alleged by some misguided people of the World.
Angels are the most obedient creation of God Almighty. They pervade the whole universe and are neither males, husbands and sons nor females, wives or daughters. They have no material bodies, but can assume any form they like. 13 They do not have human urges such as food, drink and sleep. They do not have any materialistic desires. They are innocent, do not commit any sin and never disobey Allah's commands. 14 They never speak without the permission of God Almighty and they never get tired.
Angels are the divine agencies through which Allah executes the perfect functioning of the universe. Angels have various functions and duties, in which the most significant one was to bring Allah's message (revelation) to the Prophets . They worship and glorify Allah and prostrate before Him. Angels also console and comfort righteous people and bring them glad tidings. 15 They appeared in human form before Abraham
to give him the glad tiding of the birth of a son, before Lot
to warn him of the impending doom of his wicked people and to Muhammad
for conveying him Allah’s message as in Hadith-e-Jibrail.
Angels also descend upon believers while fighting in the way of Allah so that they may gain victory over their enemies, e.g. in the battle of Badr. 16 Some angels are appointed to record a man’s deeds and words 17 for the accountability process in the hereafter. These Angels will welcome the Muslims in heaven and punish the wrongdoers in hell. 18 There are infinite number of angels, the most prominent amongst them are the following:
There are many other angels as well who are appointed for different duties, some of them even guard the children and good old people. Only God knows about their total number and their specific duties.
Belief in the Divine Books is one of the fundamental articles of Islamic faith. By belief in all Books of God, Muslims’ imply that Allah revealed His commandments and the teachings to various prophets at different stages of history for the guidance of humankind. A Muslim believes in all the Revealed Books which Almighty Allah sent down to the Messengers from Adam
till the Holy Prophet
. These books are sometimes referred to as Sahifa, plural: Suhuf (scripture/s).
Allah’s greatest favor to humankind is His guidance contained in the Divine Books and scriptures. From time to time the prophets of Allah came with the Books/ Scriptures of Allah to guide the human beings to the right path. The guidance which the prophets provided is related to the spiritual and physical development of humanity which enables them to pass an overall righteous, comfortable and successful life in both the worlds.
These scriptures include the pure, perfect and most useful knowledge from Almighty Allah, pertaining to beliefs such as Oneness of Allah, Prophethood, Angels, Revealed Books and the hereafter. These books also contain commandments related to and morality according to the needs of the time. Allah has revealed many scriptures to His various Messengers over thousands of years. As a part of faith, Muslims believe in all those scriptures as being the actual words of Allah. The scriptures mentioned in the Holy Quran include:
Out of the divine books, only the Holy Quran exists in its original form, without a single and minute change. The previous divine books Zabur (Psalms), Tourat (Torah) and Injeel (The Holy Bible) are not available in their original forms, texts and languages. The text and message of these divine books have been modified, changed and distorted. 23 However, the Holy Quran is still preserved, intact in its original form without even a single punctuation change, it is so because God Himself has taken the responsibility to protect it. As the Holy Quran states:
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ 924
Indeed, We have sent down the Quran, and indeed We Ourselves surely are its Guardians.
The Holy Quran, without a least shadow of doubt, is the word of Allah. It is the last scripture that was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad through angel Gabriel. The verses of the Holy Quran were not revealed to Prophet Muhammad
at once and the same time. They were revealed to him over a period of 23 years, and were written down at his dictation and arranged under his direction during his lifetime.
The Holy Quran reaffirms the fundamental principles contained in the previous scriptures. The guidance which the previous prophets provided was meant for particular nations of particular times. However, the Holy Quran addressed the whole human race and not any particular nation or community. Message of Holy Quran is lasting and valid for all times and conditions till the day of Judgement.
The Holy Quran contains the most comprehensive divine instructions for the entire humanity. It teaches about faith, worship, morality, and stories of previous nations. It contains all the knowledge of science, history and human nature and tells us about the past and even the future of this universe. The Holy Quran provides a complete explanation of all the things; 25 its commandments cover social, economic, political and moral teaching. It teaches humankind about their relation with their God, as well as their duties and responsibilities as a ruler and as a subject and guides them to lead a peaceful and serene life.
Thus, the holy Quran not only deals with all major aspects of life but also gives new things which cannot otherwise be known, e.g. belief in the unseen, such as existence of God, nature of angels, heaven and hell, reward, punishment etc.
Muslims not only believe in the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad but in the prophethood of all 124,000 prophets (approximately) sent by Allah Almighty for the guidance of humankind. 26 These prophets
were sent in different ages and to different nations. God Almighty states: ‘For every nation there was a guide (Prophet).’ 27 These prophets
were given clear signs and miracles by God Almighty to support them in their mission.
All prophets were human beings and no prophet ever claimed to be a God or a son of God. 28 These humans were righteous and perfect beings who had pure existence and fulfilled the responsibility 29 of conveying the divine guidance to their respective nations, bore hardships in the way of Allah and had no material desire of this world. The purpose of all the prophets
was same: to establish the law of One and the Only God. Their whole life is an example of truth, virtue, nobility, purity of nature, high thinking, and the most exalted form of humanity.
Some of the prophets whose names are mentioned in the Holy Quran are: Adam, Idrees (Enoch), Nooh (Noah), Hood (Hod), Saleh, Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma’il (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqoob (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Ayub (Job), Shu’aib, Moosa (Moses), Haroon (Aron), Loot (Lot), Yunus (Jonah), AL-Yasa (Elsha), Zul-Kifl, Dawood (David), Sulaiman (Solomon), Ilyas (Eilas), Zakaria (Zacharias), Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus)
and Muhammad
The first prophet was Adam 30 and other prophets were sent after him. This line of prophets
came to an end with the advent of Prophet Muhammad
. He is the last prophet and there will be no prophet after him. Allah declares him in Holy Quran ‘Muhammad
is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger and the Seal of the prophet.’ 31 This is another vital belief of the Muslims that no new prophet can come after Prophet Muhammad
. Hence those people who believe in the prophet hood of the liars who claimed to be prophets after the demise of Prophet Muhammad
like Musailmah, Sajjah, Tulaiha, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani etc. are not Muslims. However, Muslims do believe that Jesus
would come back to this world (since he was not crucified, but was taken to the heavens alive) before the day of Judgement and will fight the false Messiah.
The words Nabi and Rasul are used for the prophets in the Holy Quran. A Rasul (Messenger) is the prophet who brings a new Shariah law (divine code of life) and Nabi is the prophet who does not bring a new Shariah but follows the previously revealed divine laws.
These prophets were sent to convey the message of Allah in one way or other. They were well devoted and dedicated to accomplish their mission of teaching the divine message. When Prophet Muhammad
arrived, he performed four main functions: recitation of the words of God, purifying the heart of people, and teaching them divine guidance (Holy Book) and the Wisdom. All other works were subsets of these four functions such as the promulgation of divine laws, the establishments of the prayer or divine worship, and the maintenance of justice, law and state of Medina etc. Furthermore, they are the connection of the same mission which was started by Prophet Adam
Belief in God’s predestination or Al-Qadr or Taqdir is one of the fundamental articles of faith. Muslims believe that everything in the universe and all the events that are to take place are pre-ordained by Allah. By believing in predestination, Muslims mean that Allah is the Absolute Controller of all the affairs of the universe and nothing can happen without the will, permission, authorization, approval and knowledge of Allah. He knows the present, the past and the future of every creature. The destiny of every creature is already known to Allah. As the Holy Quran states:
قُل لَّن يُصِيبَنَا إِلَّا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا هُوَ مَوْلَانَا ۚ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ5132
Say, O dear Prophet, ‘Nothing shall befall us except what Allah has destined for us; He is our Master; and the Muslims must rely only on Allah.’
The principle which Islam lays down in regard to destiny is that humans are neither completely the master of their fate nor are they bound to the blind law of predestination. Humans are thus, partly free and partly subject to deterministic forces. This, however, does not afflict accountability in the hereafter. Humans would be held accountable only for the acts that they intended to do out of their free will. They would not be asked about the virtuous deeds which they could not perform due to their limitations. A human is therefore free to win Heaven or Hell. The individual can determine his/ her own destiny. Humankind cannot complain that it is helpless in the face of brutal deterministic and accidental forces of the world. They have been shown both paths, of virtues and vice, of truth and falsehood and have been given complete freedom of choice between the two. Now, the humanity has to exercise this freedom in a careful, responsible and thoughtful manner.
The fact that Allah knows what the person is going to do, does not affect the freedom of will. God knows it through His Knowledge. Man has the free will to choose the course s/he will take (i.e. right or wrong) and will be judged on the basis of his/ her intentions and acts on the day of the Judgment. As the Holy Quran categorically states that humankind can have nothing but what it strives for. 33 If it follows Allah’s guidance, it will be rewarded and if not, it will be punished.
Therefore, the concept of predestination in Islam does not in any way mean helpless compulsion to an otherwise unwelcome fate or a message of despair. It is rather a source of solace, comfort and inspiration, and a powerful means of evoking a sense of piety and humility and self-surrender to the Will of God. It does not inculcate frustration in a man, making his/ her life dark and dreary, but it teaches the one to put his/ her heart and soul in the sublime work as assigned to him/ her by the Master, the Almighty Allah.
Non-Muslims believe that death is a painful phenomenon which destroys their blissful lives and puts an end to their pleasures. This is due to the fact that they spend their complete lives in the pursuit of worldly pleasures and comfort, and after spending a major portion of their lives, they get hold of some resources through which they can make their lives more comfortable and enjoyable. However, they are unable to enjoy their lives as they want to, because old age and exhaustion limit their options of enjoyment. So, they wish to live a thousand years and remain young so that they can enjoy.
All the prophets told humankind that this worldly life is temporary and humans should live in this world as if they are a traveler i.e. arrange the resources necessary to live a peaceful life and spend their lives as per the will of God so that they can succeed in this world and live an eternal happy life. The Holy Quran states:
كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ 26 وَيَبْقَىٰ وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ 27 فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ 2834
For everything on the earth is extinction and everlasting is the Entity of your Lord, the Most Majestic and the Most Honorable. So, O humakind and jinns! Which favors of your Lord will you deny?
As per the belief of Muslims, death is also a blessing like the other blessings of God because this world – no matter how much it states to support human rights – is biased, cruel, unjust, and is filled with inequality where the principle of ‘might is right’ is followed. It is a place where the rich abuses the poor, and the cruel oppresses the weak. Hence it is a blessing for those who spend their lives as per the will of God because it ends their suffering and leads them to an eternal life of bliss and happiness where all their wishes are fulfilled. Death is a horror for those who transgress because it disconnects their life of luxury and power and leads them towards their eternal punishment.
The journey of humankind does not end with death. Death is just a beginning. Immediately after the death, Qiyamat-us-Sughra, or the Minor Judgment of the deceased takes place. If the deceased is a true Muslim, s/he is able to answer the queries presented to him/her by the angels and then sleeps peacefully till the day of Judgement whereas if the deceased is a non-Muslim or a Muslim who has sinned, s/he is unable to answer the questions, and from thereon, his/ her suffering starts. This is the realm of Barzakh. It is the period between death and Resurrection on the day of Judgement which serves as a partition wall between the life of this world and the life of the hereafter.
A time will come (as decided by God Almighty) when everything including the world and the whole universe will be destroyed. Then, the humankind along with other creations will be resurrected again and all will be presented with the deeds which they had committed in the past. 35 If people believe that this is impossible because their traces would be lost and not locatable, they are mistaken. It is God who created everything from nothing before, hence He can create everything from nothing again.
On this day everybody will be in severe apprehension, waiting for the judgement to start. It is mentioned in the Hadith that some people will be drowning in their sweat, 36 while there will be others who will be standing peacefully in the shade. These people will be those who submitted to the will of God Almighty and lived their lives according to His orders. Then, the accountability process would start, and the people who transgressed and did not pay heed to the continuous invitations and warnings sent by God through his chosen people would be cast away in hell where they would be punished eternally whereas those who abided by the law of God Almighty and believed in his prophets would be sent to heaven where they would live peacefully forever. On this day Justice would be done. If one does not believe in it, then he does not remain a Muslim.
These are the basic tenets of Islam which are simple and logical. It provided a solution for all the basic and ultimate problems of life – which the man-made religions failed to do. It linked humankind with their Creator, removed them from the slavery and worship of humans and other forged deities, and made them the bondmen of God Almighty.