Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Umm Ma’bad's Meetings with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

The company of

Muhammad headed for Madinah via the unfamiliar route through the desolate lands of Arabia. When they were around 130 kilometers away from Makkah, they spotted a small tent which belonged to a woman. This woman was called Umm Ma’bad Al-Khuza'iyah and she was sitting on a mat outside the door of her tent. 1 Her full name was Atikah bint Khalid ibn Munqiz ibn Rabee'a ibn Asram, while her teknonym was Umm Ma’bad, as she was the mother of Ma'bad. Her husband's name was Aksum ibn Abi Al-June Al-Khuza'ye and his teknonym was Abu Ma'bad. 2 Since Prophet Muhammad and his companions were out of supplies, they stopped by her, hoping to buy some food.

The Miracle with the Goat

Abu Bakr asked Umm Ma’bad if she had any food supplies which they could purchase from her. She told them that due to the severe draught, she and her people had nothing.

Muhammad pointed at the corner and inquired if he was allowed to milk the goat which was tied there. She said that the goat was so weak that it could not even go with the other animals for grazing, but still she permitted him to milk it. The event is narrated as:

  أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لأم معبد وكان القوم مرملين مسنتين فطلبوا لبنا أو لحما يشترونه فلم يجدوا عندها شيئا، فنظر إلى شاة في كسر الخيمة خلفها الجهد عن الغنم فسألها: "هل بها من لبن"؟ فقالت هي أجهد من ذلك فقال "أتأذنين لي أن أحلبها"، فقالت بأبي أنت وأمي، إن رأيت بها حلبا فاحلبها، فدعا بالشاة فاعتقلها، ومسح ضرعها، فتفاجت ودرت واجترت ودعا بإناء يربض الرهط أي يشبع الجماعة حتى يربضوا فحلب فيه حتى ملأه وسقى القوم حتى رووا ثم شرب آخرهم ثم حلب فيه مرة أخرى عللا بعد نهل ثم غادره عندها. 3
  The Holy Prophet said to Umm Ma'bad: The people were in hardship, facing drought and scarcity. They sought to buy some milk or meat but found nothing with her. (While looking around) the Holy Prophet saw an emaciated goat in the corner of her tent, which was so weak that it could not go for grazing with the other goats. The Holy Prophet asked her, does the goat give any milk, she said: it is very weak. He asked her: do you allow me to milk it? She said: may my father and my mother be sacrificed upon you, if you find any milk in it, milk it. Hence, the Holy Prophet asked for the goat to be brought to him. He tied it up and moved his hand on its udders. Upon his touch, the goat opened its legs as its udders became full. He then asked for a dish in which the milk could be collected and given to other people. He filled the dish to the brim, and gave it to everyone. Every one drank it until they were satisfied. In the end, the Holy Prophet drank the milk himself and then filled the dish with milk again and handed it over to Umm Ma'bad and continued his journey.

It is narrated that this goat lived on for a long time. It passed away in 18 A.H., during the caliphate of Umar , but as long as it lived, it gave abundant milk, 4 even during the times of draught.

Umm Ma’bad’s Description of the Holy Prophet

When all were well fed,

Muhammad continued their journey towards Yathrib (Madinah). A short while later, Abu Ma'bad returned with his emaciated goats. When he saw the utensils filled with milk, he was pleasantly surprised. He asked his wife about the source of the milk, as there was no animal at home capable of producing it. Since Umm Ma’bad did not know the name of the Holy Prophet , she referred to him as 'Mubarak' (The Blessed). She then recounted the entire event to her husband. Abu Ma’bad, intrigued by the story, asked his wife to describe the blessed man's appearance. 5 She explained his appearance in the following manner:

  فقالت: رأيت رجلا ظاهر الوضاءة حسن الخلق مليح الوجه لم تعبه ثجلة ولم تزر به صعلة ، قسيم وسيم، في عينيه دعج، وفي أشفاره وطف ، وفى صوته صحل، أحول أكحل أزج أقرن في عنقه سطع وفي لحيته كثاثة، إذا صمت فعليه الوقار، وإذا تكلم سما وعلاه البهاء، حلو المنطق فصل لا نزر ولا هذر، كأن منطقه خرزات نظم ينحدرن، أبهى الناس وأجمله من بعيد، وأحسنه من قريب، ربعة لا تشنأه عين من طول، ولا تقتحمه عين من قصر، غصن بين غصنين، فهو أنضر الثلاثة منظرا، وأحسنهم قدا، له رفقاء يحفون به، إن قال استمعوا لقوله، وإن أمر تبادروا لأمره، محفود محشود، لا عابس ولا مفند. 6
  She (Umm Ma'bad) said: I saw a man of radiant appearance, with a handsome face and fine manners. His face was neither marred by excessive flesh nor diminished by thinness. He was perfectly proportioned and graceful. His eyes were large and dark, his lashes long, and his voice deep. He had a slight redness in his eyes, was naturally lined around them, and had thick eyebrows that met in the middle. His neck was striking, and his beard full. When silent, he exuded dignity, and when he spoke, he was elevated by grace. His speech was calm and precise, neither too little nor too much, as if his words were pearls falling in order. He was the most awe-inspiring and beautiful person from a distance, and even more so up close. He was of medium height, such that the eye would neither find him too tall nor too short. He was like a branch among two others, the most radiant and elegant of the three. He had companions surrounding him. When he spoke, they listened attentively, and when he commanded, they rushed to fulfill his orders. He was revered and well-served, without signs of frustration or disapproval..

When Abu Ma'bad heard this beautiful description of Mubarak, he exclaimed that this was the person who is being most sought after, by the Quraysh. He wished to meet him and get the honor of being his companion. 7

Umm Ma’bad’s Embracement of Islam

Almighty blessed the weak goats of Umm Ma’bad, so they multiplied in number and became healthy. Once Umm Ma’bad took her goats to Madinah, with her son. When Abu Bakr walked past by them, her son recognized him and told his mother that this person was with Mubarak on that day. Umm Ma’bad hurried towards Abu Bakr and asked about the blessed person who had been with him that day. Abu Bakr informed her that he was the
of Allah. She then requested to be taken to the Holy Prophet . Upon meeting him, she was treated with the utmost respect and care, receiving food and various gifts. It was at that moment that she embraced
. 8 Later on, Abu Ma'bad came to Madinah and embraced
as well. 9


  • 1 Safi Al-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri (2010), Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Dar ibn Hazam, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 188.
  • 2 Izz Al-Din Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Shaibani ibn Athir (2003), Usud Al-Ghaba fi Ma’rifat Al-Sahaba, Maktaba Al-Tawfiqiya, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 7, Pg. 172.
  • 3 Abd Al-Rahman ibn Abdullah Al-Suhaili (2000), Al-Raudh Al-Unf fi Sharha Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah, Dar Al-Ihya Al-Turath Al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 4, Pg. 146.
  • 4 Muhammad ibn Saad Al-Basri (1990), Tabqat Al-Kubra, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 8, Pg. 225.
  • 5 Abu Bakr ibn Al-Husain Al-Bayhaqui (1405 A.H.), Dalail Al-Nabuwah wa Ma’rifat Ahwal Sahib Al-Shariyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 278-279.
  • 6 Abul Fida Ismael ibn Kathir Al-Damishqi (1976), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Kathir, Dar Al-Ma’rifat lil Taba’at wal-Nashr wal-Tawzi, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 2, Pg. 261.
  • 7 Abu Bakr ibn Al-Husain Al-Bayhaqui (1405 A.H.), Dalail Al-Nabuwah wa Ma’rifat Ahwal Sahib Al-Shariyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 279.
  • 8 Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Salihi Al-Shami (1993), Subul Al-Huda wal-Rashad fi Seerat Khair Al-Abad, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 3, Pg. 247.
  • 9 Abul Fida Ismael ibn Kathir Al-Damishqi (1976), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Kathir, Dar Al-Ma’rifat lil Taba’at wal-Nashr wal-Tawzi, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 2, Pg. 262.