(Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani & Dr. Imran Khan)
Pact of Al-Hudaybiyah was one of the most important diplomatic victories of
Since the Muslims had migrated from Makkah to Madinah, they were banished from entering their home town. Hence, the Muhajireen (emigrants) yearned to see Makkah and their relatives over there. They also missed circumambulating the Ka'bah and praying there. However, they firmly believed that the day would come when
In 6 A.H.,
Extremely happy with this glad tiding, the people started preparing for the blessed journey to Makkah. 4 Umar and Saad ibn Ubadah suggested that each individual needed to be fully armed as the Quraysh could attack them, however,
On every journey, Prophet Muhammad used to take one of his wives with him. In this journey, the lots were cast and Umme Salamah , the Mother of the Faithful was selected. Apart from her, only three other women of Khazraj tribe, Umme Ammara , Umme Aamir and Umme Mani were part of this sacred journey. When the preparations for the journey were completed, Prophet Muhammad mounted Al-Qaswa, after performing ghusl (bath) and changing clothes, 8 and set off for Makkah along with his companions in the month of Dhil-Qaidah, in 6 A.H. 9
The Holy
When they reached Dhil-Hulayfah, the Holy
Before leaving for Makkah,
The scout named Bishr ibn Sufiyan of Banu Khuza'ah joined Prophet Muhammad and his companions at Asfan who informed them that the Quraysh had learned about their journey, worn their tiger skins and had prepared for battle. The Quraysh had sent Khalid ibn Al-Waleed 17 with an army of 200 cavalry to block the road that led to Makkah. 18
Khalid ibn Al-Waleed had set up camp at Kara Al-Ghamim. When the Holy Prophet heard about it, he said:
يا ويح قريش! قد أكلتھم الحرب، ماذا عليھم لو خلوا بيني وبين سائر العرب، فإن هم أصابوني كان ذلك الذي أرادوا، وإن أظھرني اللّٰه عليھم دخلوا في الإسلام وافرين، وإن لم يفعلوا قاتلوا وبھم قوة، فما تظن قريش؟ فواللّٰه لا أزال أجاهد على هذا الذي بعثني اللّٰه به حتى يظهره اللّٰه أو تنفرد هذه السالفة. 19
Woe to Quraysh! The war has consumed them. What harm would it have done them if they had left me to deal with the rest of the Arabs? If they defeated me, that would be what they sought, and if Allah made me victorious over them, they would enter Islam in multitudes. And if they did not, they would fight, still having strength. What does Quraysh think? By Allah, I will continue to strive for this mission with which Allah has sent me, until Allah makes it prevail, or this neck of mine is severed.
Then, as he had left for Makkah with the only intention to perform Umrah, he decided to avoid a confrontation, even though Muslims were not afraid to fight them. Therefore, he asked his companions to find someone who could take them to Makkah via another way. 20 A man from Banu Aslam volunteered to take them via a different route. He took them through a very difficult rocky track until they reached the ground, at the end of the valley.
The Holy Prophet ordered his companions to travel towards the right, which would lead them to the mountain pass of Al-Mirarr and then descend to Al-Hudaybiyah. This caravan had moved so stealthily and quietly that Al-Waleed was unable to realize that they had passed him. When he found out, he hurried to Makkah, thinking that it was left unprotected and the Muslims could fight and force their way in. 22 When the Quraysh learnt that the Muslims were near Al-Hudaybiyah, they were in complete shock as well.
When they were about to enter the valley of Hudaybiyah, Al-Qaswa, the she camel of Prophet Muhammad knelt and sat down on the ground. The companions tried to get her up by saying Hal! Hal!, but she didn’t move. Prophet Muhammad told his companions that his camel had knelt down for a good reason as it was not in her nature to do something like this. He explained further that the One who had stopped the elephant of Abraha from entering Makkah was preventing Al-Qaswa from entering Makkah as well. 23 Then, the Holy Prophet said:
والذى نفسی بیدہ لا یسالونی خطة یعظمون فیھا حرمات اللّٰه الا اعطیتھم ایاھا. 24
By the One Who has my soul in His Hand, they (the Quraysh) will not ask me for something by which they are honoring the sanctified things of Allah (in this case, the avoidance of fighting the inviolable city of Makkah), except that I will give it to them. (give them what they ask for in that regard).
The well of Thamad had very little water, thus it was emptied in a short while as some of the companions drank water from it and took some for their uses. When this matter was brought to the Holy Prophet , he, according to one narration took out an arrow and ordered his companions to place it in the well. With the permission of
Al-Waqidi states that
Another narration quoted by Al-Bukhari is that when the companions told
هُمُ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَصَدُّوكُمْ عَنِ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَالْهَدْيَ مَعْكُوفًا أَن يَبْلُغَ مَحِلَّهُ ۚ وَلَوْلَا رِجَالٌ مُّؤْمِنُونَ وَنِسَاءٌ مُّؤْمِنَاتٌ لَّمْ تَعْلَمُوهُمْ أَن تَطَئُوهُمْ فَتُصِيبَكُم مِّنْهُم مَّعَرَّةٌ بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ ۖ لِّيُدْخِلَ اللَّهُ فِي رَحْمَتِهِ مَن يَشَاءُ ۚ لَوْ تَزَيَّلُوا لَعَذَّبْنَا الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا25 30
It is they who disbelieved and hindered you from the Sacred Mosque, and prevented the sacrificial animals as well that were kept from reaching their place. And had there not been many such believing men and women (present in Makkah) as you also did not know that you might crush them underfoot without knowing, and some harm and hardship might also be caused to you by them inadvertently, (We would have allowed you there and then to fight. But the victory of Makkah was delayed) so that Allah might admit to His mercy whom He willed. Had (the disbelievers and the believers there) distinguishably drawn apart from one another, We would have punished the disbelievers with a painful torment.
At that time, many Muslims who had hidden their faith due to the fear of persecution and inability to migrate to Madinah, were residing in Makkah. Some of the Muslims were those whose conversion to Islam was known to
The first person who was sent as an envoy to the Holy Prophet was Budayl ibn Waraqah from the Khuza'ah tribe. He, along with some of the other members of Khuza'ah tribe came to the Holy Prophet and inquired about his purpose of visit. Prophet Muhammad clearly told him that he and his companions had merely come here to perform Umrah and they had no intention to fight. So Budayl, along with the other delegates went back to the Quraysh and told them that they were acting in a hasty and immature manner because Prophet Muhammad and his companions had no intention to fight or force their way in to Makkah. 33 Upon hearing this, the Quraysh behaved extremely rudely with Budayl and accused him and his tribe of taking side with Prophet Muhammad . 34 They also said that even if Prophet Muhammad had come to perform Umrah, he will not be allowed to enter.
Then, the Quraysh sent Mikraz ibn Hafs to the Holy
After Mikraz, the Quraysh sent Hulays ibn Alqamah or ibn Zabban who was the chief of the Ethiopians at that time.
Then, the Quraysh sent Urwah ibn Masood Al-Thaqafi to talk to the Holy Prophet . Before going to Hudaybiyah, he told the Quraysh that he would go on the condition that they will not insult him as they had insulted the other envoys on their return. The people of Quraysh agreed. 37 Hence, he met with the Holy
When Urwah reached Makkah and met with the people of the Quraysh, he informed them about the intention of
لا يتوضأ إلا ابتدروا وضوءه ولا يبصق بصاقا إلا ابتدروه ولا يسقط من شعره شئ إلا أخذوه، فرجع إلى قريش فقال: يا معشر قريش إني قد جئت كسرى في ملكه وقيصر في ملكه والنجاشي في ملكه، وإني واللّٰه ما رأيت ملكا في قومه قط مثل محمد في أصحابه! ولقد رأيت قوما لا يسلمونه لشئ أبدا، فروا رأيكم. 39
When the Holy Prophet performed ablution, the companions vied each other to take the water he used. They did not let it fall on the ground. They even rushed to collect his saliva and never even let his hair fall on the ground. O Quraysh, I have seen the Khosroes, the Caesars and the Negus amongst their Kingdoms but I have never seen a king among his people as Muhammad among his companions. They will never desert him. So, consider your decision carefully..
After these incidents,
Ibn Ishaq states that the Quraysh sent a group of around 50 armed men who surrounded the camp of the Holy Prophet at Hudaybiyah. They threw stones and shot arrows at his companions, but were overpowered and arrested. When they were brought in front of the Holy Prophet , they were forgiven and set free. 42 This act stupefied the Quraysh and they lost every argument they had that Prophet Muhammad wanted war.
Upon hearing that Uthman had been martyred by the Quraysh,
The first man who made the pledge was Abu Sinaan Abdullah ibn Wahb Al-Asadee 48 and others followed him. Salamah ibn Al-Akwa was the individual who made the pledge three times, 49 once with the initial group, once with the middle group and once with the last group. Since Uthman was not present at Hudaybiyah and the Muslims believed that he was martyred,
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُبَايِعُونَكَ إِنَّمَا يُبَايِعُونَ اللَّهَ يَدُ اللَّهِ فَوْقَ أَيْدِيهِمْ ۚ فَمَن نَّكَثَ فَإِنَّمَا يَنكُثُ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ أَوْفَىٰ بِمَا عَاهَدَ عَلَيْهُ اللَّهَ فَسَيُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا10 51
(O Beloved!) Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you in fact pledge allegiance to Allah alone. Allah’s Hand is over their hands (in the form of your hand). Then whoever breaks his pledge breaks it only to his own harm. But he who fulfils what he has promised to Allah, He will bless him with immense reward.
This verse honored the companions of the Holy
Hence, they sent Suhail ibn Amr, a clever, respected and eloquent political leader to negotiate with the Holy Prophet . When Prophet Muhammad saw him approaching, he recognized it as a sign of peace. During the ongoing negotiations, Uthman ibn Affan safely returned to the tribe. The Holy Prophet , feeling relieved upon seeing him, continued with the negotiations. After a lengthy discussion, an agreement was eventually reached, and the terms were documented. 52
Many Muslims, including Umar were unhappy with some of the terms of the truce. When the terms were written, Umar went to Abu Bakr and said:
يا أبا بكر، أليس برسول الله؟ قال: بلى، قال: أو لسنا بالمسلمين؟ قال:بلى، قال: أو ليسوا بالمشركين؟ قال: بلى، قال: فعلام نعطى الدنية في ديننا؟ قال أبو بكر: يا عمر، الزم غرزه ، فأني أشھد أنه رسول الله، قال عمر: وأنا أشھد أنه رسول الله. 53
O Abu Bakr , Is not Muhammad the Messenger of Allah? He (Abu Bakr ) said: Yes, Then He (Umar ) asked, Are we not Muslims? Abu Bakr said: Yes? Umar then asked: Are they not polytheists? Abu Bakr said: Yes, (Umar said) So why should we accept humiliation in our religion? Abu Bakr said, O ‘Umar , stay close to him, for I bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah . ‘Umar replied, And I too bear witness that he is the Messenger of Allah .
Then, Umar asked the same questions from the Holy
Later on, Umar used to feel remorseful whenever he remembered his acts on the day of Hudaybiyah, to the extent that he always gave charity and freed slaves in repentance. 55
After both parties agreed on the points, the following treaty was written down:
باسمك اللھم
In your Name, O Allah
هذا ما صالح عليه محمد بن عبد الله سھيل بن عمرو،
This (document) is what Muhammad ibn Abdullah () and Suhail ibn Amr have agreed upon.
اصطلحا على وضع الحرب عن الناس عشر سنين يأمن فيھن الناس ويكف بعضھم عن بعض،
Both have agreed to stop warfare between the people (of Makkah and Madinah) for ten years. In this time, people will live in peace and refrain from harming one another.
على أنه من أتى محمدا من قريش بغير إذن وليه رده عليھم،
(Agreed) on the matter that if someone came to Muhammad from the Quraysh, without the permission of his guardian, he/she will be returned to Makkah.
ومن جاء قريشا ممن مع محمد لم يردوه عليه،
If someone, who is with Muhammad () comes to the Quraysh (tribe), he will not be returned.
وإن بيننا عيبة مكفوفة، وأنه لا إسلال ولا إغلال،
Between us is a concealed trust, and there will be no treachery or dishonesty.
وأنه من أحب أن يدخل في عقد محمد وعهده دخل فيه،
If (any third party) wants to make an alliance or enter in to an agreement with Muhammad , it has the right to do so.
ومن أحب أن يدخل في عقد قريش وعھدهم دخل فيه، 56
If (any third party) wants to make an alliance or enter in to an agreement with the Quraysh, it has the right to do so.
وأن محمدا يرجع عنا عامه هذا بأصحابه، ويدخل علينا في قابل في أصحابه، فيقيم ثلاثا. لا يدخل بسلاح إلا سلاح المسافر في القرب. 57
Prophet Muhammad ) is to return this year (to Madinah, without performing Umrah) along with his companions. Next year, he may enter Makkah with his companions for three days. However, none will enter with weapons, unless they are sheathed in their scabbards.
Ali wrote this treaty 58 and both Muslims and
Umme Salamah also played a very important role in this event. When the treaty was signed,