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(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)
In 1218 A.H., during the reign of Saud ibn Abdul Aziz, the people of Najd took over the city of Makkah and demolished the building located on the birth place of the Holy Prophet along with many historical places. When the Ottoman Turks retook the province of Hejaz, they reconstructed the building of Mawlid. This account has been narrated by a renowned European tourist known as J. L. Burckhardt who visited Makkah in 1814 A.D. He wrote the following about the birthplace of the Holy Prophet
Mouled el Neby, the birth-place of Mohammed (), in the quarter named from it. In the time of Fasy a mosque stood near it, called Mesdjed el Mokhtaba. During my stay, workmen were busily employed in reconstructing the building over the Mouled upon its former plan. It consists of a rotunda, the floor of which is about twenty-five feet below the level of the street, with a staircase leading down to it. A small hole is shown in the floor, in which Mohammed’s (
) Mother sat when she was delivered of him. This is said to have been the house of Abdullah (
), Mohammed’s (
) father. 1
The tourists who visited Makkah for pilgrimage have written about the condition of the birthplace of the Holy Prophet in their travelogues which indicate that the Holy Prophet's
birthplace was rebuilt in its former shape after its demolition. Muhammad Labeeb states:
وهو مكان قد ارتفع الطريق عنه نحو متر ونصف، وينزل إليه بواسطة درجات من الحجر توصل إلى باب يفتح إلى الشمال يدخل منه إلى فناء يبلغ طوله نحو اثني عشر متراً في عرض ستة أمتار، وفي جدار الأيمن (الغربي) باب يدخل منه إلى قبة في وسطها (يميل إلى الحائط الغربي) مقصورة من الخشب، داخلها رخامة قد يقعر جوفها لتعيين مولد السيد الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام وهذه القبة والفناء الذي خارجها لا يزيد مسطحهما عن ثمانين متراً مربعاً، وهما يكوّنان الدار التي ولد فيھا رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم. 2
It (birthplace of the Holy Prophet) is a place elevated about one and a half meters above the road, accessed by stone steps leading to a door that opens to the north. This door leads to a courtyard approximately twelve meters long and six meters wide. In the right (western) wall, there is a door that leads to a dome, in the center of which (leaning towards the western wall) there is a wooden enclosure. Inside this enclosure, there is a marble piece hollowed out to mark the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad
. This dome and the adjacent courtyard have a combined area of no more than eighty square meters, and they constitute the house where the Holy Prophet
, was born.
Ali Shabbir adds that in the middle of this dome is the place which is considered as the birthplace of the Holy Prophet. At that place, a small frame is erected on which a smaller dome is built. This dome is covered by a green cover, which is embellished with the following verse in golden ink: 3
لَقَدْ جَاۗءَكُمْ رَسُوْلٌ مِّنْ اَنْفُسِكُمْ عَزِيْزٌ عَلَيْہِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيْصٌ عَلَيْكُمْ بِالْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ رَءُوْفٌ رَّحِيْمٌ 1284
Surely, a (Glorious) Messenger from amongst yourselves has come to you. Your suffering and distress (becomes) grievously heavy on him (blessings and peace be upon him). (O mankind,) he is ardently desirous of your (betterment and guidance. And) he is most (deeply) clement and merciful to the believers.
The birth place of the Holy Prophet was wrapped in a green cover in a certain way so that the exact locus of Prophet Muhammad's
birth could be indicated.
In 1924 A.D., when Sultan Abdul Aziz ibn Abd Al-Rahman Al-Faisal ibn Saud occupied Hijaz, he demolished it again. At that time however, the mosque remained safe. Later on, in 1925 A.D., this mosque was also demolished. Ali Shabbir quotes the author of "The Journey to Haramain Sharifain" and states that when the author of "The Journey to Haramain Sharifain" came to perform pilgrimage, he found that the land was levelled and there was no trace of the Holy Prophet's birthplace at that time. 5
Later on, Ameen ibn Sheikh Abbas Qatan, on behalf of his aunt Fatima, daughter of Yousaf Qatan, requested the government to allow them to build a library on the location where Prophet Muhammad was born. Sheikh Abu Suleiman states:
ومن النماذج التی تؤكد التواتر المحلی فی الوقت الحاضر توثیق المحكمة الشرعية الکبرٰى بمكة المکرمة لھذا المکان الشریف توثیقا شرعیا بالصك رقم 140 بالمجلد الرابع تاریخ 25 جمادى الاٰخر1373 ھ/1فبرایر1954 فیما یخص المولد النبوى الشریف لدى رئیس المحكمة الشرعية الکبرٰى انذاك فضيلة الشیخ عبد الله بن عمر بن دھیش رحمة الله تعالیٰ وصدق الصك من قبل رئاسة القضاة. لدى أنا عبد الله بن عمر بن دھیش، رئیس المحكمة الشرعية الکبرى بمكة المکرمة حضر أمین بن الشیخ عباس قطان الوكیل عن عمته المصونة فاطمة بنت یوسف قطان بموجب صك التوكیل الصادر من كاتب عدل مكة برقم 192 فی 23/2/1371ھ المخول له ذلك. وقرر علی طریق الانھاء قائلاً: ان موكلتى الامذكورة كانت تقدمت بطلب من الحكومة السنية السماح لھا بانشاء مكتبة بالموضع المعروف بمولد النبی صلی الله علیه وسلم بشعب علی بمحلة سوق اللیل. الشهیر فی محله شھرة تامة تغنی عنع تحدیده ووصفه، وبعد الاجراءات الرسمية صدر قرار الرئاسة برقم 525/23 فی 14/4/1370ھ بالموافقة علی الطلب المذكور: لأنه عمل خیرى، علی أن یجرى تسجیل الوقضية بالمحكمة الکبرى عند تمام النباء، وأن يكون مكتبة عمومية موقوفة بجمیع أبنیتھا، ومحتویاتھا لجمیع المسلمین، وقد حاز القرار المذكور موافقة صاحب السمو الملكى نائب جلالة الملك المعظم المبلغ الی أمانة العاصمة برقم3068،وتاریخ 11/5/1370ھ، وصورة من ذلك الی مقام رئاسة القضاء... وقد اشترطت بوقفتیھا شروطاً، منھا: أنھا لا تؤجر الدار المذكورة، ولا تباع، ولا توھب، ولا یستبدل بھا، بل تبقی قائمة علی أصولھا. كما أنھا اشترطت أن الكتب التی فیھا لا تخرج عنھا، وشرطت عدم الاستغلال حاضراً، ومستقبلاً اذا اندثر البناء فی غیر ما منح من أجله، ولا من ورثته، ولا أى أحد، فعلی مقتضی البينية المعدلة حسب الأصول، ثبت لدى أن فاطمة بنت یوسف قطان أنشأت بمالها المبانی المذكورة بعالیه، فقد أجزت الوقفية المذكورة علی الشروط المذكورة، وأمضیته، وأمرت بتنظیم صك بھا تحریراً فی الیوم الخامس والعشرین من شھر جمادى الثانية، عام الثالث والسبعین بعد الثلاثمائة والألف من ھجرة من له العز والشرف، صلی الله علیه وسلم لابد من وقفات عند ھذا الصك الأولی: ھذا الصك یثبت التواتر المحلی لھذا المکان المأثور: حیث أقر القاضی الشیخ عبد الله بن دھیش رحمه الله تعالیٰ تحدید وصف المكان فی صك الوقفية، بأنه: "المعروف بمولد النبی صلى الله علیه وسلم بشعب علی بمحلة سوق اللیل. الشھیر فی محله شھرة تامة تغنی عن تحدیده ووصفه" دون احضار شهود بذلك. الثانية: أقدم جلالة الملك عبدالعزیز رحمه الله تعالی علی الخطوة المباركة باقامة مكتبة علمية عامة لهذا المكان المبارك بعد استشارة كبار العلماء، وھو ما سجله له التاریخ توثیقاً، وحقيقة قائمة، وسیأتی نقل نصوص بعض علماء السلف فی العصر الحاضر. الثالثة: أن قرار المحكمة حاز موافقة صاحب السمو الملكی نائب جلالة الملك المعظم المبلغ الی أمانة العاصمة الرابعة: هذه العبارة الصادقة "الشھیر فی محله شھرة تامة تغنی عن تحدیده ووصفه" تقبلها الحاكم الشرعی، فھی تثبت شرعاً التواتر المحلی، بتوارث هذا النقل جیلاً بعدجیل. كثیر من ھذه الأماكن المأثورة ظل ظاهراً مشاهداً حتی الربع الأخیر من القرن الرابع عشر الهجرى، قبل أن تمتد ید التطویر والتوسعة الی الحرم الشریف، كثیر من معالم مكة المكرمة ظل باقیاً كحاله فی القرون الأولی، وقد شاهد ھذا الجیل المخضرم من أبناء مكة المكرمة والعالم الاسلامی الذین حضروامكة المكرمة فی تلك الفترة قبل عام 375 ھ. شھدوا كثیرًا من المعالم المعرانية: ولمشاعر الدينية كما كان یتحدث عنھا المؤرخون المكیون السابقون فی القرون الاسلامية الأولی. هكذا یتضح جلیًا من خلال تطابق التواترین: العلمی والمحلی أن مكتبة مكة المكرمة فی مكانھا الحالی هو المكان الذى ولد فیه أشرف الخلق سیدنا محمد صلی الله علیه وسلم. 6
At the present time, one of the examples that confirms this location with multiple sources is the Sharia validation of that honorable house by the department of Supreme Sharia Court in Makkah, which is recorded in the document No.140, in 4th volume, on 25th Jumada-al-Thani, 1373 A.H. (1st February, 1954). 7 The chief justice of that time, Sheikh Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Dahish specified the birthplace of Holy Prophetin it, and then verified the documents by the assembly of Qazat. (Dr. Abdul Wahab transmitted that documents as), “I am Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Dahish, the chief justice of the Supreme Sharia Court, and I have Document No. 192 which is released by the Court of Makkah on 23/02/1952 A.D. (27th Jumada Al-Awwal, 1371 A.H.), as a lawyer, Ameen ibn Sheikh Abbas Qatan appeared on behalf of his aunt Fatima, daughter of Yousaf Qatan, he summarized: My mentioned client has submitted a request to the government that she should be allowed to set up a library on the well-known birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad
in the street Souq Al-Layl, She’b Ali, the place which does not require any confirmation. After the issuance of the legal proceedings, the government issued a permit on application in Documents No. 23/525 on 14/4/1951 A.D. (7th Rajab, 1370 A.H.), because it was a good deed. After the construction of the building, there would be registration in the court. The library will be common and dedicated to all Muslims of the world with all its contents. The mentioned decree has been permitted by the king's deputy, dated 11/05/1951 A.D. (5th Shaban, 1370 A.H.) as Document No. 3068 in the Amanaat institution of the capital. A copy of which has been sent to the Supreme Court. In order to be dedicated to it, I have set certain conditions, including that the mentioned house (birthplace of the Holy Prophet
) will not be rented or sold, nor bequeathed or changed, and it will remain in its original condition. Likewise, the books contained in it will not be removed. It is also conditioned that if the building becomes dilapidated in the present or future, it will not be used for any other purposes other than its (primary) purpose, neither by its heritage nor by anyone else. Thus, according to the rules, it is proved to me that Fatima ibn Yosuf Qatan has constructed the mentioned building by her own money. Therefore, I have allowed and signed the dedicated building with the conditions mentioned above, and ordered for its written documentations on 25 Jumada al- Thani, 1373 A.H., which is honorable”. Commenting on this, Dr. Abdul Wahab says: Firstly, these documents prove the authenticity of the location of the sacred (birth) place, as the chief justice, Sheikh Abdul Allah ibn Dahish, also identified it and described its attributes. He said, this place is well known as birthplace of Prophet
in Souq Al-Layl, in She’b Ali because of its distinction. Secondly, King Abdul Aziz took an auspicious step by establishing a library on this sacred place after consulting with the religious scholars (Ulema), and history will remember his name for it. Thirdly, the court’s decision was supported by King’s deputy, who delivered the Court‘s decision to Amanaat institution located in the capital. Fourthly, this true text is accepted by the rightful ruler, which proves the place (to be the birth place of Prophet Muhammad
) as it was already famous for it and does not need to be defined and attributed any more. Thus, this text proves the successive narration of the birthplace of the Holy Prophet
for generations. Until the last quarter of 14th century, many sacred places remained in their original condition before the development and expansion of Haram Sharif. The artefacts of Makkah, which remained in their original condition for centuries, had been seen by middle generations of Makkah and the Islamic world, which were present before 1375 A.H. They saw the vestiges of civilization and religious customs which the Makki historians used to mention in the early Islamic centuries. Likewise, it is proved by the narration of historical events and by the physical evidence present at the location, that Library of Makkah Mukarrama is located on the (true) birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad
After taking the permission from the government, Sheikh Abbas Qatan started the construction work at the Mawlid’s site at a rapid pace, so that this blessed site could be preserved. He supervised the work on a daily basis so that it could be completed as soon as possible. However, he could not live to see this library in its completed form. The work was then completed by his sons, who also moved all the books from the Majidia Library to the Library of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and handed over the finished library to the ministry of Endowments. 8
Dr. Nasir ibn Ali 9 and Shaikh Muhammad Tahir Al-Kurdi 10 also acknowledged the services of Shaikh Qatan for the Mawlid of Prophet Muhammad .
Describing the details of the structure of the Maktabah, Makkah Al-Mukarramah’s building, Sheikh Nasir Harsi states:
وقد اقیمت المكتبة علی مساحة مستطيلة الشكل تمتد باستطالة من الشرق الی الغرب بطول 21م للجدار الشمالية و80و12م للجدار الجنوبی وارتفاع 10م ویدخل الیھا من مدخلین مدخل رئیس فی منتصف الجدار الغربی(الواجهة الرئسية) مما یلی المسجد الحرام اتساعه 1،80م وارتفاعه2،23م والمدخل الآخر فی الجدار الشمالی من الناحية الشرقية حیث یدلف الداخل من المدخل الرئیس غیر مصطفة اتساعها3،02م وعرضها1،05م الی ممر مرتفع عن قاعة المبنی بمقدار68م ثم ینزل بواسطة 3 درجات عرض كل واحدة3،02م وارتفاعها 17 سم الی ممر صغیر عرضه1،92م ومنه الی قاعة كبیرة مستطيلة الشكل تمتد باستطالة من الشمال الی الجنوب بطول 11،60م وعرض 9م وتطل علی هذه القاعة من اركانھا الثلاثة الشمالی الغربی الجنوبی الغربی والجنوبی الشرقی ثلاث غرف مستطيلة الشكل متساوية الابعاد طول كل واحدة 4،30م وعرضها3،80م تفتح كل واحدة علی القاعة بواسطة باب اتساعه۔ 11
The library was built on a rectangular area extending lengthwise from east to west, with the northern wall measuring 21 meters and the southern wall 12.80 meters, and a height of 10 meters. It has two entrances: a main entrance in the middle of the western wall (the main facade), adjacent to the Holy Mosque, with a width of 1.80 meters and a height of 2.23 meters, and another entrance in the eastern part of the northern wall. Upon entering through the main entrance, which is not aligned, there is a corridor with a width of 3.02 meters and a length of 1.05 meters, elevated 68 centimeters above the main building hall. This leads down via three steps, each 3.02 meters wide and 17 centimeters high, to a small corridor 1.92 meters wide. From there, one enters a large rectangular hall extending lengthwise from north to south, with a length of 11.60 meters and a width of 9 meters. Overlooking this hall from its three corners—northwest, southwest, and southeast—are three rectangular rooms of equal dimensions, each measuring 4.30 meters in length and 3.80 meters in width which open in to a hall through a wide door.
Sheikh Abu Suleiman adds that due to the sacred nature of the location, no bathrooms were built there. Instead, they were built in the same street beside the sacred place in the northern direction. 12
Currently, the library contains thousands of books and some ancient manuscripts which are kept in special rooms. Sheikh Abu Suleiman states the Maktabah Makkah al-Mukarramah became a beacon of knowledge, attracting researchers and scholars since its inception. The local and the foreign scholars are aware of its history, especially the events regarding the early years of the Holy Prophet’s life and the advent of Islam. It has become the center of attention for a large number of researchers and scholars. The library contains approximately 13340 books, including published editions and manuscripts. It was opened it for the public so that every person could benefit from it and enhance his/her knowledge. 13