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(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)
The first thing which Prophet Muhammad did after his birth was the praise of Allah. 1 Besides this, it is also narrated that when he was in his cradle, he used to talk to the moon. Ibn Asakir quotes Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib
who said the following to Prophet Muhammad
يا رسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم دعاني إلى الدخول في دينك أمارة لنبوتك رأيتك في المھد تناغي القمر وتشير بأصبعك فحيث أشرت إليه مال قال صلی الله علیه وسلم إني كنت أحدثه ويحدثني ويلهيني عن البكاء وأسمع وجنته تسجد تحت العرش. 2
O Messenger of Allah! the signs of your prophethood had invited me to enter your religion. I saw that you (in your infancy) talking to the moon in the cradle and pointing at it with your finger. He (the Holy Prophet) said: I used to talk to the moon and the moon used to talk to me and it diverted me from crying and I used to hear the sound of its glorification while prostrating under the throne.
In the age of ignorance, it was a norm of the Quraysh tribe that if a child was born at night, they would cover it with a pot made of clay and remove it in the morning. Since Prophet Muhammad was born at night as well, she covered him with a pot made of clay. The account is narrated as:
عن آمنة أنها قالت: وضعت عليه إناء فوجدته قد انفلق الإناء عنه وهو يمصّ إبهامه يشخب لبناً. 3
Aaminahsaid: I covered a mud pot over him (after he was born) then I saw (in the morning) that the vessel had burst and he (the Holy Prophet
) lay while sucking his thumb that gave out milk.
On the night of Prophet Muhammad’s birth Abdul Muttalib narrates that he was in the Sacred House (Ka'bah). He observed that the sacred house bowed down and prostrated towards the station of Ibrahim
(maqam Ibrahim), like a prostrating man, then it straightened up. He also saw that all the idols fell to the ground, and Hubul, the biggest of the idols had fallen on its face. 4