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Encyclopedia of Muhammad

The Gap in Revelation (Fatratu Al-Wahi, فترۃ الوحی)

Published on: 02-Sep-2022

The Gap in Revelation

Definition:A period during which Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not receive any revelation from Allah.Duration:Estimates range from a few days to several years.Purpose:Test of patience and preparation for Prophethood.Significance:Start of Prophethood duties; assurance of Allah’s protection.

(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)

After the first revelation, there was a gap before the second revelation. Regarding this gap, many historians have quoted different periods and various reasons behind those breaks. Imam Suhaili states that the gap was of 2.5 years. 1 Imam Sualihi Al-Shami quotes Ibn Abbas and states that the gap was of 40 days only. Imam Sualihi Al-Shami then quotes Imam ibn Jawzi, Farra and Zujjaj who state that it was of 15 days. 2

Various reasons are stated for this gap in revelation. Those who state that the gap was between 2-3 years, they propose that this long gap was a test of the Holy Prophetsym-9, to test his patience. Those who state that the gap was of 15-40 days they state that this duration was given to Prophet Muhammad sym-9 so that he could recover from the effects of the first revelation and get eager for the second one. Furthermore, gap in revelation doesn’t mean that the Angel Gabriel sym-4 did not visit the Holy Prophet sym-9. It simply refers to the fact that after the initial verses, the Holy Quran was not revealed in that gap.

Regarding the second revelation, there are different opinions. Some say it was Sura Al-Duha, some say it was Surah Al-Qalam, but the majority of scholars are of the opinion that the second revelation consisted of the following verses of Surah Al-Muddathir:

يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُدَّثِّرُ1 قُمْ فَأَنذِرْ2 وَرَبَّكَ فَكَبِّرْ3 وَثِيَابَكَ فَطَهِّرْ 4 وَالرُّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ 53
O the Cloaked One! (Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) Rise up and warn! And proclaim the Purity of your Lord. And keep your clothes clean. And stay away from idols.

This was the first time that the Holy Prophet sym-9 had been commanded to rise and perform the duties of Prophethood, in a city which had become the center of polytheism. Doing such a duty in those circumstances was extremely risky and required a lot of courage. That is why, the Holy Prophet sym-9 was being ordered to proclaim the greatness of God Almighty and be fearless in propagating the message as he was protected by Allah Almighty. This is indeed the greatest encouragement for a person who embarks on a divine mission.

  • 1  Abd Al-Rahman ibn Abdullah Al-Suhaili (2009), Al-Raudh Al-Unf fe-Sharha Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 420.
  • 2  Muhammad ibn Yusuf Al-Sualihi Al-Shami (2013), Subul Al-Huda wal-Rashad fe Seerat Khair Al-Abad, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 2, Pg. 272.
  • 3  Holy Quran, Al-Muddathir (The Enwrapped) 74: 1-5

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