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(Dr. Imran Khan & Mufti. Shah Rafi Uddin Hamdani)
According to the historians and researchers of biography of the Holy Prophet , the birth date of Prophet Muhammad
is the twelfth (12th) of Rabi Al-Awwal. However, there are some scholars who have quoted different opinions regarding his date of birth. Shaikh Qastallani, Shaikh Zurqani and Yousuf Sualehi being some of the notable names among them. Shaikh Qastallani states:
وكذا اختلف ایضاً فى اى یوم من الشھر فقیل انه غیر معین انما ولد یوم الاثنین من ربیع الاول من غیر تعیین والجمھور على انه یوم معین منه فقیل للیلتین خلتا منه وقیل لثمان خلت منه قال الشیخ قطب الدین القسطلانی وھو اختیار اكثر اھل الحدیث ونقل عن ابن عباس و جبیر بن مطعم وھو اخیار اكثر من له معرفة بھذا الشان واختاره الحمیدى وشیخه ابن حزم وحكى القضاعى فى عیون المعارف اجماع اهل الزیج علیه ورواه الزهرى عن محمد بن جبیر بن مطعم وكان عارفاً بالنسب وایام العرب اخذ ذلك عن ابیه جبیر، وقیل لعشر وقیل لاثنى عشر وعلیه عمل اهل مكة فى زیارتهم موضع مولده فى هذالوقت وقیل لسبع عشرة وقیل لثمان عشرة وقیل لثمان بقین منه وقیل ان هذین القولین غیر صحیحین عمن حكیا بالكلية والمشھور انه ولد یوم الاثنین ثانى عشر شھر ربیع الاول وهو قول ابن اسحاق وغیره. 1
Likewise, there is also a conflict in what day (date) of the month was the Holy Prophetwas born. Some have said that it (the date) is unspecified, that he was born on Monday of Rabi Al-Awwal without specifying the day. However, the majority agree that it is a specific day (date). According to one citation, it is 2nd of Rabi Al-Awwal, however another states that it is 8th of Rabi Al-Awwal. Shaikh Qutb Uddin Qastallani states that this (8th of Rabi Al-Awwal) is the most preferred citation to the scholars of Ahl-e-Hadith; so is conveyed by Ibn Abbas and Jubair ibn Mutam and the people who are aware of these narrations. It is also preferred by Hameedi and his teacher Shaikh Ibn Hazm, and in the Uyun Al-M’arif, Qaza’ai has copied the consent of astrologers on the matter. The same citation has been narrated by Imam Zuhri, from the reference of Muhammad ibn Jubair ibn Mutam, who was the expert of dates and genealogy of Arab. One citation conveys the dates of 10th and 12th Rabi Al-Awwal; which is practiced by the people of Makkah that they visit the birthplace of the Holy Prophet
on the same time (and date). Some say it is 17th or 22nd of Rabi Al-Awwal; for them it is said that to copy their narration is not authentic. However, the most prevalent is the date of 12th Rabi Al-Awwal about the birth of the Holy Prophet
and so is conveyed by Ibn Ishaq and other scholars.
Ibn Jawzi has also copied these four citations in the same regard. 2 Dr. Muhammad Humayun Abbas quotes Hafiz ibn Syed Al-Nas who states that the correct birthday of Prophet Muhammad is the 12 of Rabi Al-Awwal only. Furthermore, Al-Nas rejected all the other narrations regarding the birthday of the Holy Prophet
, deeming them to be inaccurate and weak. 3
The later biographers have accepted other dates due to the researches of astrologers or other researchers. Shibli Naumani has accepted 9th of Rabi Al-Awwal as the birth date due to the research of Mahmud Pasha. 4 Qazi Suleiman Mansoor Puri 5 and Safi Al-Rahman Mubarakpuri 6 also endorsed Shibli Naumani's view. On the other hand, Idrees Kandhalwi states that majority of Muhadditheen (scholars of hadith) endorse 8th of Rabi Al-Awwal as the authentic date of Prophet Muhammad's birth. 7 These dates are based on some distributive calculations of Monday in Rabi Al-Awwal, which could be erroneous, and their weaknesses have been highlighted by numerous researchers.
The aforementioned works convey that the conflict in dates is due to the implementation of the distributive calculations and therefore, are not accurate. So, the scholars have declared them to be unreliable. On the other hand, majority of scholars throughout the course of history have proved and accepted the fact that the Holy Prophet was born on the 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal. Thus, Ibn Hisham quotes Ibn Ishaq and states:
ولد رسول اللّٰه یوم الاثنین لاثنتی عشرة ليلة خلت من شھرربیع الاول عام الفیل. 8
The Holy Prophetwas born on a Monday, on twelfth (12th) of Rabi Al-Awwal, in Year of the Elephants.
The aforementioned narration has been cited by Ibn Jawzi 9 and Al-Tabari as well. 10 Other narrations regarding this fact are as follows:
ولد سیدنا ونبینا محمد رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه علیه وسلم یوم الاثنین لاثنتى عشرة ليلة مضت من شھر ربیع الاول عام الفیل قیل بعد الفیل بخمسین یوماً. 11
Our Master and our Prophet Muhammadwas born on twelfth (12th) of Rabi Al-Awwal, on a Monday morning in Year of the Elephants. It is said that his birth happened fifty days after the incident of The Elephants.
Ibn Khaldun states:
ولد رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه علیه وسلم عام الفیل لاثنتى عشرة ليلة مضت من ربیع الاول . 12
The birth of the Holy Prophethappened in Year of the Elephants on the night of the twelfth (12th) of Rabi Al-Awwal.
Shaikh Yousef ibn Ismail Nabhani states:
اتفقواعلى انه ولد یوم الاثنین من شھر ربیع الاوّل. 13
According to the consensus of the scholars, the Holy Prophetwas born in Year of the Elephants, on Monday and in the month of Rabi Al-Awwal.
Ibn Hajar writes:
واختلفوا فى شھر مولده ویومه على اقوال كثیرة...والاشھر انه ولد فى ربیع الاول والاشھر ایضاً فى ثانى عشرة. 14
Scholars of biography have different opinions about the birth month of the Holy Prophet… it is a prevalent view that Prophet Muhammad
was born in the month of Rabi Al-Awwal, and that on the twelfth (12th) of this month.
Syed Ahmed Abd Al-Ghani narrates:
وھو قول جمھور العلماء ونقل ابن الجوزى الاتفاق علیه...ومراد ابن الجوزى بنقل الاتفاق اتفاق الاكثر...والاشھر منھا انه فى ثانى عشرة وھو وقول ابن اسحاق وغیره. 15
This statement is (approved) by majority of scholars. And Ibn Jawzi has copied the consent upon this narration… Jawzi copying the consent means he is quoting the agreement of a majority of the scholars. In the other citations, the birth date has said to be twelfth (12th), and so is narrated by Ibn Ishaq and other scholars of biography.
Ibn Kathir states:
... عن جابر وابن عباس أنهما قالا: ولد رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم عام الفيل يوم الاثنين الثاني عشر من شهر ربيع الأول وفيه بعث وفيه عرج به إلى السماء، وفيه هاجر وفيه مات. وهذا هو المشهور عند الجمهور واللّٰه أعلم. 16
Jabir and Ibn Abbas, both narrate: The Holy Prophetwas born on Monday, 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal in Year of the Elephants. This was the day when he got Prophethood. He went to the heavens (Al-Isra, Me'raj) on the same day and also migrated (from Makkah to Medina) on a Monday. He also passed away on this day (Monday). And to the majority of the people of Islam, this date is 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal. And Allah knows Best.
Ibn Jawzi writes:
اتفقوا على ان رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم ولد يوم الاثنين فى شهر ربيع الاوّل عام الفيل. 17
The scholars have agreed that the Prophetwas born on a Monday morning in the month of Rabi Al-Awwal, in Year of the Elephants.
Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Mawardi states:
ولد بعد خمسین یوماً من الفیل و بعد موت ابیه فى یوم الاثنین الثانى عشر من شھر ربیع الاوّل. 18
Fifty days after the incident of elephants, and after the death of his father, the (Holy) Prophetwas born on a Monday on 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal.
Shaikh Zurqani states:
والمشهور انه(صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم) ولد يوم الاثنين ثانى عشر ربيع الاول وهو قول محمد بن اسحاق بن يسار إمام المغازى وغيره: قال ابن كثير: هو المشهور عند الجمهور وهو الذى عليه العمل. 19
It is prevalent that he (the Holy Prophet) was born on 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal, on Monday. So is conveyed by Imam Al-Maghazi Muhammad ibn Ishaq and others. Says Ibn Kathir: It is renowned to the majority, and so is the only one to be practiced (believed upon).
Shaikh Noor Uddin Ali ibn Ahmed Samhodi writes:
فاصبح صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم صبيح الوجه يوم الاثنين مولودا لاثنتى عشرة ليلة خلت من شهر ربيع الاول. 20
With a glorious face, the Holy Prophetwas born in the morning of 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal.
Muhammad Al-Sadiq Ibrahim states:
وقد صح من طرق كثیرة ان محمدًا صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم ولد یوم الاثنین لاثنتى عشرة مضت من شھرِ ربیع الاول عام الفیل فى زمن كسرٰى اَنَو شیروان ویقول اصحٰب التَّوفیقات التاریخیّة انّ ذٰلک یُوافِق الیوم المكمّل للعشرین من شھر اغسطُس 570 بعد میلاد المَسِیْحِ علیه السلام. 21
From numerous resources, it has been proven that the Holy Prophetwas born in the rule of Kisra Nosherwan, on a Monday, 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal, in Year of the Elephants. And to those scholars who implement different opinions, it is 20th August of the Gregorian calendar in the year 570 A.D.
Muhammad Raza Al-Misri states:
ولد النبى صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم فى فَجْر یوم الاثنین لاثنتى عشرة لیلة مَضت من رّبیع الاول عشرین اغسطس 570 م واھل مکّة یزورون موضع مولدہ فى ھذا الوقت. 22
The Prophetwas born at the time of dawn, on a Monday, 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal, that fell on 20th August 570 A.D. The people of Makkah pay a visit to the birthplace of the Prophet
on the same day.
Mufti Muhammad Shafi states:
الغرض جس سال اصحابِ فیل کا حملہ ہوا اس کے ماہ ربیع الاول کی بارہویں تاریخ کے انقلاب کی اصل غرض آدم و اولادِ آدم کا فخر، کشتی نوح کی حفاظت کا راز، ابرہیم علیہ السلام کی دعا، موسیٰ و عیسیٰ علیہم السلام کی پیش گوئیوں کا مصداق یعنی ہمارے آقائے نامدار محمد الرسول اللہ ﷺ کا رونق افزائے عالم ہونا ہے. 23
The year when the people of The Elephants attacked, in its month of Rabi Al-Awwal, on the change of 12th night, the pride of Adamand his offspring, the secret behind protection of Noah’s
ark, the prayer of Abraham
, and the authenticity to the predictions of Moses
and Jesus
, our Prophet Muhammad
arrived in this world.
Muhammad Abu Zahra states:
الجمھرة العظمى من علماء الرواية على ان مولدہ علیه الصلوة والسلام فى ربیع الاول من عام الفیل فى ليلة الثانى عشر منه ...وقد وافق میلادہ بالسنة الشمسية نیسان (اغسطس). 24
Majority of the scholars have agreed that the birth day of the Holy Prophetis 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal, in the Year of the Elephants... which is in accordance with the month of August in the solar year.
The aforementioned discussion has proven that the Prophet of Allah was born on a Monday morning, 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal, and in Year of the Elephants.
To prove any other date in this regard, based on mathematical calculation or wisdom, in the light of astronomy, history, geography, or other researches is not forbidden. However, to deny the date (12th) just because it sacrifices an individualistic idea is not correct. Especially when in the name of research, every known or unknown, reliable or unreliable, authentic or unauthentic source is cited. In presence of authentic references, proving some other dates based merely on considerations and propositions is wrong and inappropriate, which need to be avoided.
Prophet Muhammad was born on Monday. 25 Monday had an eminent position in the life of the Holy Prophet
since various important events took place on this day. 26 His birth on Monday is cited to be the most authentic and prevalent statement among the scholars of biography and history. 27 This is stated in a hadith as well. Abu Qatada states:
...قال: سئل عن صوم يوم الاثنين؟ قال:ذاك يوم ولدت فيه، ويوم بعثت أو أنزل علي فيه... 28
He (Abu Qatada) said: He (The Holy Prophet) was asked about fasting on Monday, so he said: this is the day when I was born, and on the same day I attained Prophet-hood or the revelation was sent to me.
This fact is endorsed by Ibn Ishaq, 29 Ibn Kathir, 30 and by many other eminent historians and scholars as well. From the aforesaid references and narrations, it is established that the Holy Prophet was born on Monday and for the same reason he used to observe fasts on it, in order to pay gratitude to Allah for his birth.
Sheikh Nur Al-Din quoted that some people stated that Prophet Muhammad was born on Friday, however, in the next few lines, he added that the correct stance was that the Holy Prophet
was born on Monday. 31 Imam Halabi also stated that there was no disagreement on the fact that Prophet Muhammad
was born on Monday and those people who claim that he was born on Friday are mistaken. 32
From the above quoted references, it becomes evident that Prophet Muhammad was born on Monday, and on this day many other special events occurred as well. He used to fast on this day because he was born in it and this was the day when he started to receive divine revelations as well. 33
It is an established and unanimously accepted fact by all Muslim Scholars that Prophet Muhammad was born just before dawn, on the night of the of 12th of Rabi Al-Awwal. Imam Halabi states:
أن ذلك كان حين طلوع الفجر ويدل له قول جده عبد المطلب: ولد لي الليلة مع الصبح مولود. 34
Undoubtedly, the time of birth of the Holy Prophetwas early morning i.e., the crack of dawn. Evidence to this fact is the statement of his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, who says: a boy was born in my home at the time when night and day coincided.
Imam Sualeh Shami, 35 Imam Qastallani, 36 and other many scholars also endorse this fact. Some people stated that he was born at night, but that quote has been rejected. 37
The special virtue of the time of the Holy Prophet’s birth is also linked with a heightened degree of divine responsiveness to prayers. It is established in a hadith that there is a period of time on Friday when, were a Muslim to find it and ask something from God Almighty, He would grant it. This period of time is said to fall between the mid-afternoon prayer and sunset, based on a hadith stating that Adam
was created on a Friday at this time of the day. So, if the time in which Adam
was created is such that no Muslim’s prayer is left unanswered by Allah Almighty, there is no doubt that prayers at the hour of the Prophet Muhammad’s
birth will similarly be fulfilled as well. Since Prophet Muhammad’s
status and authority is superior to Adam
, the virtue of the hour of his birth must be correspondingly greater. 38
Since Prophet Muhammad is the most blessed, sacred, charismatic personality of the universe, therefore, the year, month, date, day and the time in which he was born also became blessed and sacred. This is the reason why the Muslim scholars of the world undertook such an effort to confirm every detail, over the course of history so that others could thank Allah for bestowing such a magnificent gift over mankind and celebrate Prophet Muhammad's
birthday. However, it is not arbitrary to celebrate the Meelad (birthday of Prophet Muhammad
) on this date only, and they can celebrate it at any time or multiple times of the year, but the benefits which might be gained in those sacred moments might not be available at any other time of the year.