Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Mesaq-e-Madinah (The First Charter of the History)

Mesaq-e-Madinah (میثاقِ مدینۃ) or Al-Saheefatu Al-Madinah (الصحیفۃ المدینۃ) was the first political charter ever to be written, in the history of the world. Documents like Manusimriti (from 500 B.C.), Arthshashtar (300 B.C.) or the Politics by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) are examples of political documents written in ancient eras, but they were mere recommendations to the rulers, none except Mesaq-e-Madinah were enforced as a constitution of a state. 1


When the Holy

started his prophetic mission in Makkah, he faced severe opposition and persecution from the tribe of Quraysh. With time the opposition kept increasing and his companions were physically tortured in the streets of Makkah, 2 and were left with no choice but to emigrate from Makkah to Yathrib, with the permission of Allah. 3 After the migration, the people of Quraysh took over all the properties of the Muhajireen (emigrants).

At that time, the total population of Yathrib was around a few thousand only, of which half were Jews. Even this tiny population was living in total anarchy. The Arabs were divided in to 12 tribes of Aws and Khazraj while the Jews were divided in to 10 tribes. Some of these were allies and had united against other groups. 4 Wars had been ensuing between these tribes for years, and the tribes were tired of it. However, there was no political unity or order. Furthermore, due to the preaching efforts of some Muslims, some of the people of Yathrib had converted to Islam. 5 So, people belonging to different religions lived in one house, street and city.

The Constitution of Madinah

In such a situation, it was crucial to create unity. Thus he established brotherhood among the believers, and then established a constitution that removed all remnants of the grudges of the pre-Islamic era and tribal divisions. He left no room for the traditions of the Age of Ignorance. 6 This constitution, also known as the constitution of Madinah consisted of 52 articles. These articles were initially recorded by Ibn-e-Hisham, 7 Ibn-e-Kathir, 8 Ibn-e- Syed Al-Nas, 9 and by many others in later times. The contents of the charter were as follows:


  بسم اللّٰه الرحمن الرحيم، هذا كتاب من محمد النبي صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم، بين المؤمنين والمسلمين من قريش ويثرب، ومن تبعهم، فلحق بهم، وجاهد معهم
  In the name of Allah the most compassionate the merciful. This written document is from Muhammad , the Prophet of Allah as an agreement between the Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who followed them, joined them, and strove alongside them.
  (1) إنهم أمة واحدة من دون الناس
  These people will be a united community among other people (of Arabia).
  (2) المهاجرون من قريش على ربعتهم يتعاقلون بينهم، وهم يفدون عانيهم بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The Muhajireen (emigrants) of Quraysh will pay blood money according to their traditions (before Islam) and pay ransom money to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (3) وبنو عوف على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، كل طائفة تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Auf will pay blood money according to their traditions and all their groups will pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (4) وبنو ساعدة على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة منهم تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Saa’ida will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (5) وبنو الحارث على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Al-Harith will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (6) وبنو جشم على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة منهم تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Jashm will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (7) وبنو النجار على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة منهم تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Al-Najjar will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (8) وبنو عمرو بن عوف على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Amr ibn Auf will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (9) وبنو النبيت على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Al-Nabyat will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (10) وبنو الأوس على ربعتهم يتعاقلون معاقلهم الأولى، وكل طائفة منهم تفدي عانيها بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين
  The people of Banu Al-Aws will pay blood money according to their traditions and pay ransom to free their prisoners, with kindness and equity amongst the believers.
  (11) وإن المؤمنين لا يتركون مفرحا بينهم أن يعطوه بالمعروف في فداء أو عقل.
  And the people who believe will not leave any destitute person who is burdened with debt, so that his/her ransom money or blood money is paid.
  (12) وأن لا يحالف مؤمن مولى مؤمن دونه .
  A believer will not enter into an agreement of clientage with an individual who is already in such a contract with another believer.
  (13) وإن المؤمنين المتقين على من بغى منهم، أو ابتغى دسيعة ظلم، أو إثم، أو عدوان، أو فساد بين المؤمنين، وإن أيديهم عليه جميعا، ولو كان ولد أحدهم
  The pious believers should rise against any person who creates a rebellion, attempts to take things by force, or is guilty of sins or injustice or is creating mischief amongst the Muslims. They (the believers) should rise together against such a person even if he is a child of any one of them.
  (14) ولا يقتل مؤمن مؤمنا في كافر، ولا ينصر كافرا على مؤمن
  A Believer will not kill another Believer for a non-Believer and will not help a non-Believer against a Believer.
  (15) وإن ذمة اللّٰه واحدة، يجير عليهم أدناهم، وإن المؤمنين بعضهم موالي بعض دون الناس
  The responsibility (protection) of Allah is the same (regardless of weak or strong people), to protect even the weakest ones from the people. Also, the believers are natural allies of each other against other people.
  (16) وإنه من تبعنا من يهود فإن له النصر والأسوة، غير مظلومين ولا متناصرين عليهم
  The Jews who follow us (orders/agreement), they will be supported and provided with equality. They will not be maltreated and help will not be given against them.
  (17)وإن سلم المؤمنين واحدة، لا يسالم مؤمن دون مؤمن في قتال في سبيل اللّٰه، إلا على سواء وعدل بينهم
  The peace of the believers is one. No believer shall make peace with anyone at war without consulting the others when the battle is in the way of Allah, and it must be fair and equitable to all.
  (18)وإن كل غازية غزت معنا يعقب بعضها بعضا
  All groups who are fighting with us, will be positioned one after the other (so that the ones at the back are provided with relief).
  (19)وإن المؤمنين يبيء بعضهم على بعض بما نال دماءهم في سبيل اللّٰه
  The believers will take revenge for their blood which was shed (by the enemies) while they (strived) in the way of Allah.
  (20)وإن المؤمنين المتقين على أحسن هدى وأقومه
  The pious believers are on the best and most correct guidance.
  (21)وإنه لا يجير مشرك مالا لقريش ولا نفسا، ولا يحول دونه على مؤمن
will not give any protection for the life and property of a Qurayshite, and will not help any non-Muslim Qurashite against the Muslims.
  (22)وإنه من اعتبط مؤمنا قتلا عن بينة فإنه قود به إلا أن يرضى ولي المقتول، وإن المؤمنين عليه كافة، ولا يحل لهم إلا قيام عليه
  Whoever kills a believer intentionally and without clear justification shall be subject to retaliation (killed), unless the guardian of the slain agrees otherwise. All believers shall be against him, and they are obligated to take action against him.
  (23) وإنه لا يحل لمؤمن أقر بما في هذه الصحيفة، وآمن باللّٰه واليوم الآخر، أن ينصر محدثا ولا يؤويه، وأنه من نصره أو آواه، فإن عليه لعنة اللّٰه وغضبه يوم القيامة، ولا يؤخذ منه صرف ولا عدل
  It is haram (illegal) for a believer who has accepted the contents of this document and believes in Allah and the hereafter to give protection to any evil person (riot instigator/mischief monger) or help in any way. Whoever supports him or provides that person with protection, then he will be the recipient of Allah’s anger and curse on the day of judgement, and no ransom or exchange will be accepted from that person.
  (24)وإنكم مهما اختلفتم فيه من شيء، فإن مرده إلى اللّٰه عز وجل، وإلى محمد صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم
  Whenever you differ over a matter, it must be referred to Allah, Mighty and Majestic, and to Muhammad .
  (25)وإن اليهود ينفقون مع المؤمنين ما داموا محاربين
  The Jews will bear the expenses of war with the believers for as long as they fight alongside them.
  (26)وإن يهود بني عوف أمة مع المؤمنين، لليهود دينهم، وللمسلمين دينهم، مواليهم وأنفسهم، إلا من ظلم وأثم، فإنه لا يوتغ إلا نفسه، وأهل بيته
  The Jews of Bani Awf, who have participated in the agreement and have become an ally of the Muslims, will remain within the frame of their religion, and Muslims will remain within their religion. Apart from the religious domain, the Muslims and the Jews will be considered as a single Ummat (community). Whoever commits treachery and mis-commitment, will only bring evil (punishment) on himself and his family.
  (27)وإن ليهود بني النجار مثل ما ليهود بني عوف
  The Jews of Bani Al-Najjar will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf.
  (28)وإن ليهود بني الحارث مثل ما ليهود بني عوف
  The Jews of Bani Al-Harith will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf.
  (29)وإن ليهود بني ساعدة مثل ما ليهود بني عوف
  The Jews of Bani Saa’ida will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf.
  (30)وإن ليهود بني جشم مثل ما ليهود بني عوف
  The Jews of Bani Jasham will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf.
  (31)وإن ليهود بني الأوس مثل ما ليهود بني عوف
  The Jews of Bani Aws will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf.
  (32)وإن ليهود بني ثعلبة مثل ما ليهود بني عوف، إلا من ظلم وأثم، فإنه لا يوتغ إلا نفسه وأهل بيته
  The Jews of Bani Tha’laba will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf. However, those people who commit treachery, will bring evil on himself and his household.
  (33)وإن جفنة بطن من ثعلبة كأنفسهم
  The Jafna, who are a branch of Bani Tha’laba will have the same rights as Bani Tha’laba.
  (34)وإن لبني الشطيبة مثل ما ليهود بني عوف، وإن البر دون الإثم
  The Jews of Bani Al-Shutaiba will enjoy the same rights as the Jews of Bani Auf if they remain faithful to the treaty and do not violate it.
  (35)وإن موالي ثعلبة كأنفسهم
  The slaves of Tha’laba will have the same rights as those of the original members of that group.
  (36)وإن بطانة يهود كأنفسهم
  The branches of Jewish tribes will enjoy the same rights as their mother tribes.
  (37)وإنه لا يخرج منهم أحد إلا بإذن محمد صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم
  No group or individual will leave without the permission of Prophet Muhammad .
  (38)وإنه لا ينحجز على ثأر جرح، وإنه من فتك فبنفسه فتك، وأهل بيته، إلا من ظلم، وإن اللّٰه على أبر هذا
  No one will be hindered for avenging his injuries. Whoever sheds blood that person and his household will be responsible for it, except that individual who has been oppressed and Allah is with him.
  (39)وإن على اليهود نفقتهم وعلى المسلمين نفقتهم
  The Jews will be responsible for their expenses and the Muslims for theirs.
  (40)وإن بينهم النصر على من حارب أهل هذه الصحيفة، وإن بينهم النصح والنصيحة، والبر دون الإثم
  Their will be complete support (between Jews and Muslims) of each other, against all the oppressors, attack on the agreed parties of this contract, their will be help and guidance (between Jews and Muslims) if they are firm on it and not violate it.
  (41)وإنه لم يأثم امرؤ بحليفه، وإن النصر للمظلوم
  No one will be held responsible for the mis-commitment of his allies and the oppressed will always be helped.
  (42)وإن اليهود ينفقون مع المؤمنين ما داموا محاربين
  As long as the Jews fight alongside Muslims, they will continue to bear the expenses of war.
  (43)وإن يثرب حرام جوفها لأهل هذه الصحيفة
  The valley of Yathrib will be a Haram (sacred place) for the people who have accepted this agreement.
  (44)وإن الجار كالنفس غير مضار ولا آثم
  A neighbor shall be treated like oneself, without harm or sin, and no one shall grant protection without the consent of its people.
  (45)وإنه لا تجار حرمة إلا بإذن أهلها
  And indeed, the sacred trust (agreement) will not be violated except with the permission of its rightful owners.
  (46)وإنه ما كان بين أهل هذه الصحيفة من حدث أو اشتجار يخاف فساده، فإن مرده إلى اللّٰه عز وجل، وإلى محمد رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم، وإن اللّٰه على أتقى ما في هذه الصحيفة وأبره
  If there is a serious disagreement amongst the people who are signatories of this agreement or there is a danger of a fight, then the matter will be referred to Allah and Muhammad . Allah loves those people more who abide by this agreement and exercise caution when acting upon it.
  (47)وإنه لا تجار قريش ولا من نصرها
  No protection shall be granted to Quraysh (of Makkah) or to those who support them.
  (48)وإن بينهم النصر على من دهم يثرب
  If any group attacks Yathrib, then the signatories of the agreement will support each other against the enemy.
  (49)وإذا دعوا إلى صلح يصالحونه ويلبسونه، فإنهم يصالحونه ويلبسونه، وإنهم إذا دعوا إلى مثل ذلك فإنه لهم على المؤمنين، إلا من حارب في الدين
  If the Muslims make peace with a party, then the Jews are bound to make peace with that party as well. If the Jews make peace with a party, then the Muslims are also bound to make peace with that party. However, in case of religious war, no party (Muslims) will be liable to support the other party (Jews).
  (50)على كل أناس حصتهم من جانبهم الذي قبلهم
  Every group has the responsibility of his area to repel the attack of the enemy.
  (51)وإن يهود الأوس، مواليهم وأنفسهم، على مثل ما لأهل هذه الصحيفة. مع البر المحض من أهل هذه الصحيفة
  The Jews of Aws tribe, whether a free individual or a slave, will have the same rights as all of the signatories of the agreement, if they (slave) also display loyalty the agreement.
  (52)وإنه لا يحول هذا الكتاب دون ظالم وآثم، وإنه من خرج آمن، ومن قعد آمن بالمدينة، إلا من ظلم أو أثم وإن اللّٰه جار لمن بر واتقى، ومحمد رسول اللّٰه صلى اللّٰه عليه وسلم... 10
  This document shall not protect anyone who is unjust or sinful. Whoever leaves (the city) is safe, and whoever stays (in the city) is safe, except for those who commit wrong or sin. Allah is the protector of those who are righteous and pious, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

Outcomes of the Charter

Following are outcomes of The Charter which indicate the foresightedness of Prophet Muhammad about the war and the formation of constitution for a state:

Unity Among People

Clause 1, 24, 26 & 46 enforced unity among the tribes near Madinah, which had been fighting for decades. The signatories of the agreement were not only required to maintain peace, but were also ordered not to fight in case of any disagreement and refer it towards

and His

Social Security and Justice

Clauses 11-16, 21, 38, 44, 45, 47, 51 & 52 represent all the points related to social security and justice. Here, the signatories were ordered to help the poor and needy people of their Ummat (community). They were bound to punish any cruel person who threatens to cause mischief or riot and not to give protection to any Qurayshite who were the enemies of Allah His Apostle at that time. Furthermore, all the people were directed to treat Jews with equality without any distinction.

Equal Rights for All

Clauses 27-37 provide details that all the tribes and their branches would have equal rights as mentioned in the charter, regardless of the fact that it is the mother tribe or any sub-branch. Furthermore, even their slaves were given the same status as other free members of the group.

Blood Money and Ransom

Clause 2-10 of the charter expresses the laws laid down regarding blood money and ransom. In order to avoid any clash or disagreement, each tribe was ordered to follow their old traditions regarding the blood money and each tribe was required to pay a ransom to free their tribe members in-case they became prisoners. This way, squabbles over these issues was avoided, which could have led to warfare and bloodshed.

Punishment for Homicide

Clause number 22 pertains to the punishment of homicide. This clause categorically states that in case of a murder, the heirs of the deceased reserve the right to kill the murderer only, or accept blood money from him. This way the non-stop bloodshed, which was common before, was put to a stop. Before, if a person was murdered from a tribe, then in retaliation, many people from the murderer’s tribe were killed and this continued for decades.

Responsibilities at the Time of War

Clauses 17-21, 25, 37, 40, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50 describe the responsibilities of the signatories in case of war. Prophet Muhammad was declared Supreme Commander of the Army, and no one was allowed to initiate any war without his command. The charter stated that Muslims were required to be united at the time of war and peace, and no individual or a group of Muslim were allowed to agree on any type of separate terms of peace with the enemy. All groups of Muslims were responsible to work collectively and coherently during the war as well as in times of peace. Muslims were entitled to take revenge from all those who inflicted atrocities on them, and even a polytheist was not allowed to give protection to any of the members of the Quraysh. The valley of Yathrib was declared as a sanctified territory for all those who had accepted the agreement. In case of an attack on Yathrib, all the signatories of the charter were required to help and support each other and make a collaborative effort for the defense of Yathrib.

According to the charter of Madinah, both Muslims and Jews were required to fight back collectively against all those who fought against the signatories of the charter. Jews were also made responsible for sharing the expenses of war as long as they were at war. Both Muslims and Jews were required to support peace agreements and were not supposed to refuse an invitation for peace by the other. Every group was made responsible for protecting the territory of Yathrib from its direction and fighting back the enemy attacking from their geographical side.

Thus, a comprehensive war strategy was designed under the military and political leadership of Prophet Muhammad and it was The First Charter ever to be written in the history of the world, in this detailed and comprehensive manner with a proper description of everyone’s rights and duties.


  • 1 Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah (2013), Ehd-e-Nabvi main Nizam-e-Hukmarani, Nigarshaat Publisher, Lahore, Pakistan, Pg. 67-68.
  • 2 Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar Al-Madani (1978), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Ishaq, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 190.
  • 3 Safi Al-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri (2010), Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Dar Ibn Hazam, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 182.
  • 4 Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah (2013), Ehd-e-Nabvi main Nizam-e-Hukmarani, Nigarshaat Publisher, Lahore, Pakistan, Pg. 69-70.
  • 5 Muhammad Al-Ghazali Al-Siqa (1427A.H.), Fiqh Al-Seerat, Dar Qalam, Damascus, Syria, Pg. 155.
  • 6 Safi Al-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri (2010), Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtum, Dar ibn Hazam, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 207-208.
  • 7 Abd Al-Malik ibn Hisham (1955), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Hisham, Shirkah Maktabah wa Matba’ Mustafa Al-Babi, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, Pg. 501-504.
  • 8 Abul Fida Ismael ibn Kathir Al-Damishqi (1997), Al-Bidayah wa Al-Nihayah, Dar Hijr lil Taba’at wa Al-Nashr wa Al-Tawdi wa Al-I’laan, Giza, Egypt, Vol. 4, Pg. 555-558.
  • 9 Abu Al-Fath Al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn Syed Al-Nas Al-Rub’i (1993), A’yoon Al-Athar, Dar Al-Qalam, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 227-229.
  • 10 Abd Al-Malik ibn Hisham (1955), Al-Seerat Al-Nabawiyah le-ibn Hisham, Shirkah Maktabah wa Matba’a Mustafa Al-Babi, Cairo, Egypt, Vol. 1, Pg. 501-504