Encyclopedia of Muhammad

Abu Jahl’s Attempt to Martyr the Holy Prophet

Abu Jahl was a mortal enemy of

Muhammad and was always looking for an opportunity to assassinate him. Once, Abu Jahl was present in the sanctified area of the Masjid Al-Haraam, along with his friends. While talking to them, Abu Jahl said that if he saw Muhammad () prostrating there, he would crush his neck beneath his foot. Abbas was also present there, and when he heard Abu Jahl’s comments, he reported them to Prophet Muhammad . The Holy Prophet listened to Abbas’s report and went to Masjid Al-Haraam. 1 When he entered the Masjid, he recited the following verses of the
Holy Quran

  كَلَّآ اِنَّ الْاِنْسَانَ لَيَطْغٰٓى6اَنْ رَّاٰہُ اسْتَغْنٰى7 2
  (But) the fact is that (the disobedient) man rebels. For the reason that (apparently) he finds himself self-sufficient (in the world).

After completing the recitation of the surah, Prophet Muhammad prostrated before Allah Almighty. At that moment, one of Abu Jahl’s companions incited him to attack the Holy Prophet . Abu Jahl approached with the intention of harming the Holy Prophet , but as he drew near, he suddenly turned back in haste. When questioned about his strange behavior, he explained that he had seen something extraordinary. According to his account, the horizons of the sky had been closed off to him, as he was engulfed in darkness. Some narrations also suggest that Abu Jahl saw a gulf of fire between himself and the Messenger of Allah . 3

Another narration of the same event is provided in a slightly different manner. Once, the people of Quraysh, accompanied by Al-Nadhr ibn Kinanah were sitting in their assemblies at Dar Al-Nadwah. During the discussion, Al-Nadhr urged the people to assassinate

Muhammad . He commented that it was better for the people of Quraysh to die if they could not stop Prophet Muhammad . Some of the people responded that it was very difficult for them to stop Prophet Muhammad . 4 Others asked for suggestions through which they could stop him. At this point, Abu Jahl commented:

  هل محمد إلّا رجل واحد وهل بنو هاشم إلّا قبيلة من قبائل قريش فليس فيكم من يزهد في الحياة فيقتل محمدا ويريح قومه. 5
  Is it not (reality) that Muhammad is not but just a single person, and Banu Hashim are nothing but a tribe from the tribes of Quraysh? Is there none among you who renounces his life and kills Muhammad and comforts his people?

The council of the Quraysh stated that if someone performed that task, they would consider him their leader. Abu Jahl continued that since (Prophet) Muhammad was not supernaturally stronger than a normal human being, hence he would stand at (Prophet) Muhammad’s side while he would be offering prayer. Then, he would be able to smash (Prophet) Muhammad’s head with a stone and easily kill him. Thus, all of them moved from Dar Al-Nadwa and gathered in Hateem area of the Ka’bah. Then, the Messenger of

appeared from the side of Al-Rukn and started offering prayer. He prolonged his bowings (Ruku’) and prostrations (Sujud). Abu Jahl took his chance, picked up a big stone and approached the Messenger of Allah while he was prostrating. When he was close to the Holy
, he started shaking and dropped the stone on his foot. Prophet Muhammad continued his prostration and ignored Abu Jahl. Abu Jahl fell and became unconscious for a while. When he got stable, his people, who were worried about him, asked him about the reality of the matter. Abu Jahl told them that when he tried to attack the Messenger of Allah with a heavy stone, he saw a furious camel with its mouth opened wide, ready to attack and chew his head off. He also told them that he found Muhammad protected with a veil. 6 Prophet Muhammad also mentioned that Angel Gabriel (Jibrail) was stationed to protect him, and if Abu Jahl had tried to come nearer, Angel Gabriel (Jibrail) would have stopped him. 7

When the people heard Abu Jahl's excuses, some of them mocked him and said that he was merely making up stories to save himself. So, Nadhr ibn Harth volunteered to complete this task the next day. Hence, all gathered in Masjid Al-Haraam, ready to attack

Muhammad as soon as he entered the Holy Sanctuary. The Holy Prophet took a hand full of dust and threw it towards them and recited 'may their faces were destroyed'. Then, these people were unable to see anything, so they dispersed and ran away. Thus,
Almighty protected His Messenger from this group of mischief makers. 8


  • 1 Abu Al-Fatah Muhammad ibn Sayyid Al-Naas (1993), ‘Uyoon Al-Athar fi Funoon Al-Maghazi wal Shamail wal Seeyar, Dar Al-Qalam, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 121.
  • 2 Holy Quran, Al-‘Alaq (The Clot), 96: 6-7.
  • 3 Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Ahmed Al-Halabi (1427 A.H.), Al-Seerah Al-Halabiyah, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Vol. 1, Pg. 409.
  • 4 Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Mawardi (1409 A.H.), ‘Alaam Al-Nabuwah, Dar wa Maktabah Al-Hilal, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 95-96.
  • 5 Ibid, Pg. 96.
  • 6 Ibid, Pg. 96.
  • 7 Abu Al-Fadl Moosa ibn Ayadh (1407 A.H.), Al-Shifa bi Tareef Huquq Al-Mustafa, Dar Al-Fayha, Amman, Jordan, Vol. 1, Pg. 688.
  • 8 Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Basri Al-Mawardi (1409 A.H.), ‘Alaam Al-Nubuwah, Dar wa Maktabah Al-Hilal, Beirut, Lebanon, Pg. 96.